Chapter 24: The Fourth Champion

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Emilia looked at Harry for the first time since coming into the room, and she knew by the fear in his eyes and the disbelief on his ashen face that there was no way he'd put his own name in, not that she'd doubted him for a second.

But despite that, his name had been selected, and now he must compete in the Triwizard Tournament.

He crossed the room to her while the adults debated between themselves, "Emilia, I didn't-"

She put her hands on his shoulders, "I know you didn't, Harry. I believe you."

He sagged in relief and she dropped her hands, leaning in so only he could hear her, "there must be something else going on here. Someone else must have put your name in. Write to Sirius, he might know what to do."

Harry nodded, and Emilia stepped back as he was once again swept up in the debates of the adult wizards.

Emilia's mind raced: who would put Harry's name in the Goblet of Fire? And why?

Several days later, she and Harry stood in the owlery, away from the whispers and glares of their fellow students. Even Emilia was getting them by association with Harry.

"You couldn't have picked a less filthy place to hide out, no? Hagrid's maybe?" she asked with a grimace, trying to ignore the smell of the small tower as she stroked Hedwig's feathers. Hedwig had flown off a few days previously with a letter to Sirius, but she had come back with nothing, so they anxiously awaited a reply from him.

"Well, Hagrid cries whenever he sees me, so this is my best option," Harry replied, looking out the window.

Just then, a black owl with amber eyes swooped in, a letter clutched in its beak. Harry approached it, taking the letter from it, and Emilia looked over his shoulder as he opened it.


I couldn't risk sending Hedwig. Ever since the World Cup, the Ministry has been intercepting more and more owls, and she's too easily recognised.

We need to talk, Harry, face-to-face. Meet me in the Gryffindor Common Room at one o'clock this Saturday night.

Bring Emilia with you, but no one else.

P.S. the bird bites.

The owl in question bit Harry's finger before flying off.

"He's surely not going to risk coming to the castle?" Emilia asked, rereading the letter.

Harry shook his head, holding his finger to his mouth as it bled, and then considered her question thoughtfully, "I really hope not."

That Saturday night, they both snuck down in their pyjamas to the Common Room, careful not to wake their roommates.

"Sirius?" Harry whispered, and Emilia looked around but it was obvious that there was no one else there.

"Psst," came a faint whisper, and they exchanged a look before approaching the fireplace where the sound was coming from.

Just then, the glowing embers reshaped themselves into Sirius' face, shocking them both, but they hurried closer nonetheless and knelt down in front of the large fireplace.

Harry was baffled, "Sirius, how-"

"I don't have much time, so let me get straight to it," Sirius said quickly, sparks flying from his likeness in the embers, "did you or did you not put your name into the Goblet of Fire."

"No!" Harry replied.

"Ssh!" Emilia hushed, nudging her brother to remind him to be quiet.

"I had to ask," Sirius replied, "now tell me about this dream of yours. You mentioned Wormtail and Voldemort. But who was the third man in the room?"

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