Chapter 1: So Close Yet So Far

Start from the beginning

She swore she saw flowers growing from nowhere and sparkles enhancing his features for a moment when he said it. 

Her mother laughed heartily while Souta looked from Y/n to M/n confused. "What? what did I do?" He obliviously asked. 

"Nothing, you did nothing wrong" Y/n laughed sheepishly. "Anywayyy! I'm going to the neighbor to welcome them to the neighborhood," 

"I'll come with you," Souta said and before she could protest, he was already holding the bags full of pastries. "Let's go?" 

She decided not to stop him. "Alright, let's go," 




The two stood in front of the Akashi household, Y/n just stood beside Souta who still wore the frilly apron and held all the pastry bags. 

"Do you think they're friendly?" She asked as she tiptoed and then flattened her foot repeatedly. 

Souta had, of course, researched and found information about the Akashi family just this morning when Y/n's mother mentioned the new neighbors. 

He smiled assuringly. "They're nice people," He said. "And don't worry, I'm here with you, aren't I?" 

"Right..." She answered still quite nervous, but she stopped fidgeting.

"Should I do the talking?" Souta asked. "Or-?" 

"I'll speak," She said right before the smaller gate opened. 

A young girl with white fluffy hair and gorgeous eyes welcomed their gazes. The girl smiled wide and as bright as the sun, and her voice was just as cheery. "Oh? Guests! Hello there," 

'Ack-! She's so pretty!' Y/n internally said.

"Uhm... hi-!" Y/n smiled, feeling the infectious joy the girl radiated. "I'm L/n Y/n, and this is my friend Aoki Souta." 

"Hi, L/n, Aoki, nice to meet you both. I'm Akashi Senju,"  Senju introduced.

"Akashi, nice to meet you too," Y/n couldn't stop smiling. "I live next door, just right there," She pointed to the house beside theirs. "And my family would just like to welcome you to the neighborhood" 

Senju's eyes lit up seeing as the pastries were actually for her. "Oh~ You shouldn't have, but thank you so much!" 

Y/n was about to say 'you're welcome' and go straight home, but Senju had pulled her and Souta inside. "Come on in! I'll introduce you to my brothers" Senju jogged inside. 

Usually Senju's more cautious and won't just pull anyone inside her home but she recognized Y/n from last night and saw the opportunity to get to know her better.

Y/n looked at Souta, who was also looking back at her. "Let's just converse a bit and I'll make sure we leave before things get awkward, okay?" He said.

She nodded, assured by his words. "Okay," 

"Takeomi-!" Senju shouted, calling for her brother. Her voice was so loud and heavy, that no one would've assumed it was her who spoke. "We have guests!" 

"Guests? Who?" Takeomi walked down the stairs to see whoever those guests were. He saw Y/n and Souta entering their home.

Senju walked closer to her brother. "She's the girl from the window-!" She whispered excitedly. "She's so much prettier up close!" 

"Oh, so they're the L/ns," Takeomi nodded before approaching the two. "Hey, welcome," He spoke in a laid-back voice. 

"So, this is L/n Y/n, and this is her friend, Aoki Souta," Senju introduced them and Y/n bowed as a greeting, along with Souta. "And this is my oldest brother, Takeomi. I have another brother, his name is Haruchiyo, he's still upstairs working," 

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