Chapter 2 : When they met

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In a city full of busy ongoings, anyone would lose their faith in humanity
How nobody barely cared for each other,
How nobody spared a glance at the homeless man begging for food,
How nobody wanted to play a part in others' lives,
They all wanted only things for themselves,
They only wanted themselves to feel above all,
Selfless people were rare in this selfish world around us,
'Unconditional Love ' was rare...


Monday, 7:30 pm

Right after Laila got out from her workplace, she went to the nearest cafe to get herself some donuts. For a while at the start when she first moved here, she hated cafes or the smell of them. But one called 'Beans' was the only shop that could possibly have sweet delicacies which suited her taste.

She sat by the table at the corner enjoying her glazed donuts while looking out the window at the busy and hustling city, feeling sonder.
A few minutes passed by, until she still sat there with no more donuts left in the box. She filled her mind with thoughts;
"What if everything went back to normal?
Would i be happy-", her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a call from her phone.

"Oh heyy! Where are you? Are you home yet?"
"Uh actually no, i am at the cafe right now. Why what happened?"
"Nothing i was just bored outta my mind and since you are always at the boutique whenever i'm home. I should have figured that you weren't home.."
"*giggles* you know what i was about to leave right now. How about you come over i'll be right there"
"Wait really?? okay see you!"

*hangs up*

That was Kaehi. Laila's only friend in the city. She loves her too much. She makes her realize how she is never actually alone, and that she is loved- Kaehi just proves it every time.

Laila went back to the counter and got two boxes of a dozen donuts and an americano. Kaehi loves them.
Turning a slight left to the narrow alley, she spotted the homeless man from before. She handed one of the boxes to him, "Eat well!"

With that she turned around to go back when she was suddenly stopped by three guys. One of them black hooded.
They reeked of alcohol and weed or whatnot. And the homeless man ran away, almost holding onto his life.
Laila's heart beat like crazy. Beads of sweat dripped down her cheekbones. Toes curled up as she feared for her life.
This has never happened to her before.
"Oh God what do i do"

"Oh oh oh! Look at what we've got heeya", the black hooded man says with a grating voice.
"Haven't had one this good in a long time man, heheh", another one of them spurts, which is followed by one of them shoving away the stuff she carried. The americano all over her clothes, making her shut her eyes as tight as she could and pray.

They continued their uncivilized catcalling and babbling nonsense at her.
Laila felt numb from head to toes and couldn't cry. Just when she thought her day was going fine, this had to happen. She had only heard people speak about such experiences of terror in their daily lives. But never had it happened to her. Although she maintained precautions to make sure.

A couple minutes had passed.
She finally let go of her thoughts and opened her eyes and ears. Surprised, she found only one person. 
"Hey", he whispered.
"Oh no it isn't over?", Laila shivered again.
The man bent over to her and tapped her stiff shoulders.
"Please don't!", Laila cried. Scared of the unacceptable distance between them.
His hands travelled over to her chin, tilting it up.
"What's your name?", he questioned leaving Laila with shudders.
"I'm not telling you that", Laila replied, breaking free from his hold on her chin stubbornly.
"I just saved you, Laila"

Baffled, Laila softened her fear driven gaze and asked,"H-How did you know my name?"
He didn't say anything, getting up on his feet and signaled her to get up.
She anxiously follwed with caution. As she got up, she felt a brisk sensation on her dress. The americano that had spilled all over her was now a part of the coat, which froze her cold.
Aleyn just stared at her state. Laila broke free of her thoughts and slowly picked up her head and glanced at the man in front of her. "How did you know my name?", Laila asked again quite creeped out. How can this man that she's never met before, know her?

"Follow me", Aleyn mumbled and started walking towards the street.
Laila was dumbfounded yet grateful that he somewhat drove the thugs away. But she didn't drop her guard assuming he was one of them.
Laila shrugged off her thoughts and followed him, keeping a meter distance between them.

He walked over to a boutique and got in. Laila stared at the shop tilting her head as she got in.
She followed the unknown man knowing what a dumb decision it was.
"Pick a dress", Aleyn put out and sat on the white leathered sofa.
"Pick..a dress?", Laila questioned. "Yes. I don't have much time so make it quick", Aleyn ordered glancing at his Patek Phillipe to realize that it was almost nine.
Laila didn't talk much and picked out a beautiful pearl embellished bishop sleeved chiffon dress and handed it out to Aleyn. He got up and took a look at it. He nodded his head in agreement and asked the retailer to pack it up.
There was a moment of awkwardness between Aleyn and Laila but only Laila seemed to be fazed about it.
The shopkeeper returned with the box and handed it to Laila while bowing down slightly.
Laila hesitantly accepted it as she peeked at Aleyn.

He was already gone. 

She thanked and bowed at the shopkeepers and ran out. She saw the man cross the road over to his car. She followed him, panting while carrying the box which was quite big. He was about to get in his ford when Laila called out to him,"Wait! Excuse me!"
Aleyn turned around to find her gasping and gulping. "Your-your purchase", Laila panted handing him the box.
"It's yours", he murmured.
"Huh?..Wait please tell me, how did you even know my name?"
Aleyn looked at her ID card hanging on her neck and said, "That", and got back in, closing the door on her.
"What? Wait, wait!", Laila shouted for no use as he drove off.
She scanned herself and found her ID which said her name in bold letters. She sighed and pore over the box.

Why is this for me? He wouldn't wear it anyway but..

She slowly walked away confused and bewildered by all that just happened.
It felt like a fever dream.

Fumbling through her pockets for her keys, she placed the unnecessarily huge box down and jiggled the key hole to find out that it was locked from the inside.
She suddenly remembered that she was supposed to meet Kaehi. She rang the bell anxiously and found Kaehi open it quick and hug her tight as ever.
"Where the heck were you Laila??!", she cried almost teary, breaking the hug and hitting her slightly.
"I've called you a hundred times! Hell I almost called the cops you freak!", she scolded loudly and pulled her in, hugging again.
"Oh man i totally forgot! Did you call? I don't think i"-
Laila took out her phone to find out that it was dead all this while. She felt terribly sorry for making Kaehi so worried over her.
"I'm so sorry Kae i totally forgot about it please i'm so sorry!", Laila sympathized.
"What did you do for you to forget about ME!?", she cried again.
"I'm sorry Kae, i really am.."
"Its okay now, where were you? I thought you were coming right over two hours ago?", Kaehi questioned.
Laila put down the box and sat on the sofa. She sighed.

"Kae.. i-", Laila whimpered with teary eyes.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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