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Erik's P.O.V
I was out helping the farm with the Guardsmen who volunteered to do some farming in the campsite, right now I was currently helping them on how to make compost for the farm. The Guardsmen were interested on what compost can do which I explained to them all based on my experiences with my grandfather's garden a long time ago when I was living with him in his village, once they understand the purpose of compost they soon started to make their own and I was guiding them on how to compost as well.

"Now, once you make a compost . You all must make sure that it is moist while it process to turn into compost, which will take time until it turns into a earth-like soil substances." I explained the details to the Guardsmen as I demonstrated it in the newly built Compost Heap that I just built since yesterday

The Guardsmen nodded then Halvar approached us as I turned my head towards the Wolf Guard.

"What's wrong?" I asked Halver

"Bard & Dustin are battling each other not far from the camp." Halver said which made me frowned a little

"Show me." I simply said to Halver and soon he guide me towards where both Bard & Dustin are located at

When we arrived I saw them battling each other out with their power weapons in hand, I only sigh in annoyances at the sight of them fighting each other out for no reason. I then took a deep breath and howled to get their attention.

Which the howl did the trick and made both Bard & Dustin to stop their fight then turn towards me & Halver with me giving a glare towards them while Halver who was wearing his helmet to conceal his face but I can tell that he was giving a stern look at the two Blood Claws who decided to have a fight for no reasons.

"What in the name of the Allfather are you both doing?" I questioned the two Blood Claws

"We kind a got bored." Bard started

"Then, we thought about having a spar to each other to see who is more skilled in close combat." Dustin added

"But did you do it out of boredom?" I questioned the both of them while I continued to glare at the two Blood Claws

"Yes." Both Bard & Dustin simply answered at the same time, which made me to sigh in annoyances due to their actions

"Did you realize that if you two decided to go all out, you might accidentally cut off either of your limbs if you both go on with your fight?" I asked them with my arms crossed

"Um.... We didn't think about it." Bard replied nervously while Dustin nodded in agreement with Bard which made me sigh in more annoyances while building up stress in my mind

"Glory courage for Recklessness." I simply said to them which caught the attention of both the Blood Claws & Halver

"My grandfather once told me his story where he was a headstrong young man in his youth, he was stubborn and always getting into trouble as well as getting into fights also. Then one day he and his father were inside a bank paying the bills when suddenly three bank rubbers came into view and tried to steal the money from the bank. And as always, my grandfather fought them but it came with a price." I explained to them about my grandfather's past

"What was the price." Dustin asked

"The cost of his father's life when he tried to save my grandfather from being shot at by a bank rubber armed with a gun, the sight of his father's death by the bank rubber made him go berserk and beat the living hell out of the rubber. But the civilians managed to calm him down and once he was calm he rushed towards his father who was dying from the bullet wound from the gut where it hit his vital organ, he cried to his father and said 'Sorry.... I'm so sorry!' at his dying father while one of the civilians called the paramedics to aid his dying father." I said which made the Halver to look down while the two Blood Claws continued to listen to my grandfather's story

"But at his dying breath he told my grandfather a few words of wisdom before he died, 'Never let Glory or Pride to cloud your sense of judgement.', 'Live your life and always be wise on your decisions.', 'Make sure to get stronger to protect the weak from those who are cruel & unjust to others.'. Those where the words of my grandfather's dying father's words before he met his end, then my grandfather lived his life and make sure to never let his pride or glory to cloud his judgment." I finished telling my grandfather's story to the two Blood Claws

"So tell me, when you two fight how do you feel?" I asked the two Blood Claws

"We felt the desire of victory when we fought each other." Bard stated

"The reason we fought is to see who is better close combat fighter." Dustin added

"But..." I said 

"If we continued on, we might ended up getting our limbs cut off or we might accidentally kill each other in our spar if it goes on." Dustin added while looking down in shame along with Bard

"Then, we will loose another brother." I stated which Halver nodded in agreement

"Since you almost ended up killing each other you will both be grounded, it means the both of you will be punished but not by death itself or turning you both into servitors." I said to them as Halver continues to listen to my punishment

"Both of you will have your weapons and armors to be confiscated in less then a two months, and within those months you will both be helping the Guardsmen who are attending the campsite's garden from within those two months. And, if you complain or more the both of you will have an extension of another two months of punishment as well." I told the two Blood Claws about their punishment

"Yes, brother." Both Bard & Dustin replied at the same time and soon we all head back to the campsite

3rd P.O.V
When Erik, Halver, Bard & Dustin returned to the campsite they went to Iron Priest Haldor and told him about the the punishment to the two Blood Claws and soon the Iron Priest stripped them from their wargears and now they are wearing some cloaks to cover their bodies. While, their wargears are with Haldor as he maintains them from any damage made by the two Blood Claws.

Now both Bard & Dustin are now helping the Guardsmen with the farm, he also told them that if they misbehave then they will have their punishment incased of another two months which the Guardsmen agreed with it. When they first tried to help the guardsmen in the farm, they made a lot of mistakes and made their first extension two months punishment as well.

"Remember, any misbehave or more will have your punishment to increased by an additional two months." Erik reminded the two Blood Claws as they both tried their best to help out the Guardsmen who are tasked to attend the campsite's farm

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