The Hangout: Aftermath

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Erik's P.O.V
After the incident at the 'Downtown Meals' with the three girls that tried to seduce me in the restroom were now banned from that Karaoke Restaurant which I didn't mind because I endured a lot in my life when I was younger and I managed to survive and solved the situations I was dragged into, my grandfather once told me to control my emotions and try to solve the problems that I was forced into which I was glad to took his advise by heart because I had a few incidents with liars before but I managed to get out of it by finding evidences about their lies. Making myself to remember the hard life I had when I was younger brings back bad memories, but I must remembered them because it helps me gain experiences when I am in situations where I am being framed and accused to an act that I didn't do in the first place.

I shook it off as I was enjoying my hangout with my friends, we are currently having a nicely walk through the street in the city enjoying ourselves while forgetting the incident with the three girls that tried to seduce and frame me at the 'Downtown Meals' but failed in the end and get banned from that Karaoke Restaurant. I didn't felt bad for those three girls, but then again they're troublemakers so I didn't felt bad for them getting into trouble and receiving their punishments from their deceptions in the end which I find it suitable for getting me in trouble in the first place.

"This is a nice night, right?" Drake stated which I nodded in agreement while Harvey stared at the moon

"Yea, the moon is shining at the night sky along with the stars shining bright as well." Harvey added making me and Drake to look up in the sky and saw a nice view of the night sky

" Harvey added making me and Drake to look up in the sky and saw a nice view of the night sky

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Yea." Both me and Drake said at the same time as the three of us enjoyed staring at the night sky, then suddenly my enhanced sense of hearing heard a faint voice somewhere close by

"Help.... Me.... Can't.... Breath." The voice said weakly which made me worried because the voice sounds like a child

I frantically looked around which caught my friends attention, then I closed my eyes and focus my senses to pinpoint the faint voice's location I focused hard for about a minute and soon I managed to find the location which made me to open my eyes and ran to the nearby alleyway quickly towards the location of the weak voice of a child. My friends saw my reaction and ran behind me while following me to where I sense the faint voice somewhere close by to our location in the alleyway that we recently entered, my friends tried to call me but I was too focused in finding out who was that faint voice who was calling for help earlier.

I ventured far which led me to an area where there is a trash pile in the corner of the building along with a suitcase on the ground, I then heard a faint heart beat coming from inside the case which lead me to believed that someone put a child or a smaller person inside the suitcase and left here for dead. I growled a little out of anger but I quickly calmed myself down and approached the suitcase and carefully open it, once I did I saw a weak little girl about 4 to 6 years old who looked tired and hurt like she endured a lot of abuse from an abusive family or more.

"Erik!" I heard my friends calling me as I carefully carried the little girl out of the suitcase without her waking up as I stand up and turned towards my two approaching friends who are now shocked to see me carrying a passed out little girl in my arms

"Where...." Drake questioned me but I cut him by simply moved to the right side and gestured my head towards the opened suitcase on the ground

When my two friends saw it they quickly understand the little girl's situation she is in and soon the three of us went to the nearby hospital that is closed by in our location while I was carrying the passed out little girl in my arms as we quickly head towards that hospital within the area while I was making sure that the little girl is alright, we soon managed to arrived at the nearby hospital within fifteen minutes of running and soon we arrived at the New Harmony Clinic and entered through the front entrances. Once we entered, we quickly went to the receptionist who was busy with the papers in her desk we called her out which caught her attention and turned towards us with her usual greet but when she saw the little girl in my arms her usual greet face was soon turned into horror once she saw the abused knocked out little girl in my arms.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO HER!?" The receptionist questioned in horror

"We found this little one injured like she was abused by someone, then that same person placed her inside the suitcase in the alleyway trash and left her to die from suffocation inside the suitcase that I found not long ago." I explained to the receptionist everything that I know to her

"Please follow me." The receptionist said as she stands up and exit the reception desk and guide me and my friends to the doctor's office where the little girl will be treated by one of the many doctors in the hospital

'Please be alright.' I said worriedly in my mind as I was carrying her in my arms while my friends and I followed the receptionist to the doctor's office

Timeskip - brought to you by the doctor and nurses tending the injuries of the little girl while Erik and his friends waited for the news about the little girl's health in the waiting area

3rd P.O.V
Erik and his friends were sitting on the chairs in the waiting area as they wait patiently for the doctor's news about the girl's health, Erik was tapping his right food rapidly as if he was in a hurry while his friends remained calm and waiting but understood about Erik's behavior. He was worried about the little one and her wellbeing which his friends understood his behavior, then the doctor came which caught Erik and his friends attention and soon went towards the doctor and asked him about the girl's status she is in.

"She is fine, she's just passed from exhaustion and we managed to tended her wounds." The doctor replied

"Will one of us stays with her?" Drake asked the doctor which my friends and I to thing about it and nodded in agreement

"I'll go first, since I did found her in the suitcase in the alleyway earlier." Erik stated

"No, how about I do it. Besides, you must be with your kittens." Drake stated which made Erik to think about it and reluctantly nodded in agreement

And soon, Erik and Harvey went home while Drake stays with the little girl to watch her over while she is unconscious  the thought about the little one hurt made him worried but he knows that Drake can handle it with no problems at all.

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