Arrival of the Space Wolves

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The next day things had become quiet since the arrival of the Grey Knights and they are now allies with Erik along with his allies as well, but they will remain on their Gladius Frigate since Erik task them to monitor any arrival in his realm which they took their duty seriously while Erik continues to monitor any new changes on the planet's surface of his realm. Erik is currently in the campsite helping the farm as usual with his allies along with the two punished Blood Claws as well and to his surprise they were well behaved since he last saw them, he is glad that they are being matured a bit when their is no war to fight in but also learns how to act civilian despite that they are Sky Warriors of Fenris but it is their punishment for going into a duel without supervision with either himself or the Wolf Guard Terminator to avoid injuries to one another or death.

As they were doing the farms, Verek came jogging towards them which got Erik's attention and made him stop watering the plants that he was currently doing in the garden while the rest were busy maintaining the gardens. Erik turn towards Verek knowing that he has news for the Lone Wolf himself from 'The Titan's Hammer' since Verek is the only Grey Knight who can gain contacted with the Gladius Frigate on the Planet's orbit.

"What's wrong?" Erik asked Verek

"I've received a vox message from 'The Titan's Hammer', my brothers told me that a Gladius Class-Frigate emerges from the Warp just recently and they checked the signal of the newly arrived Frigate and they identified it as a Space Wolves Gladius Frigate." Verek replied which caught Erik's attention

'More Wolfkin.' Erik stated in his thoughts and mentally nodded

"Tell your brothers that I would like to meet them personally, we will meet at the same location where we met your Grey Knight Brothers from last time." Erik added as Verek nodded in understanding and contacted his brothers about the meeting point while Erik went to the meeting point

With Erik

Erik's P.O.V
I've arrived at the meeting point and waited patiently to meet my newly arrived kin to my realm, but I'm sure that whoever they are will either surprises me or more depending on whichever of them will effect on me. Then, I heard engine noises and looked up to see a Thunderhawk descending down from the sky while looking at the Thunderhawk made me looked at it in awe as it descended down towards the ground .

Soon, the Thunderhawk landed in the ground 20 meters away from me while I stared at the Space Marine Dropship in awed then the front hull door opens up and saw my newly arrived kinsmen emerging from the Thunderhawk's front hull door. But what surprised me the most is that my newly arrived kinsmen are all Primaris Space Marines! and they are from the Grey Hunters Rank due to the red and black Pack Markings on the left shoulder Guard of their armors.

I walked towards them and they did the same until we were 5ft away from each other, I was intimidated by their size from being a Primaris Space Marine but I mentally shook it off and stared at them while they did the same to me as well

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I walked towards them and they did the same until we were 5ft away from each other, I was intimidated by their size from being a Primaris Space Marine but I mentally shook it off and stared at them while they did the same to me as well.

"Who is the Pack Leader?" I asked them which the one with the Chainsword and Knife went forward towards me

"I am, Pack Leader Orlath." The Pack Leader introduced himself

"Erik, I am a Lone Wolf." I introduced myself to the newly arrived Primaris Grey Hunters

"You look young." Orlath stated in amusement in his voice

"I know... anyways how did you arrived in my realm?" I asked them

"Your realm?" Orlath asked them

I soon began explaining to the Pack Leader and was wary of me and my powers, but I told them that I'm not corrupted and I even told them that Verek scanned me for corruption within me as well which he found none. After twenty minutes of explaining everything that is happening in my realm the Grey Hunters soon relaxed a bit then I asked them how they arrived in my realm through the Warp.

"We were heading back to Fenris, after our successful Hunt Against a Chaos Cult on a corrupted Feral World which we cleanse it through blade and bolter alone. While we cleanse the world we come across the Cultist leader who summoned a Lord of Change to aid him to fight against me and my kin, but we fought valiantly against the Greater Daemon of Tzeentch  and won then we head back to Fenris through the Warp." Orlath explained

"I'm guessing that the Lord of Change did something on your Journey Home to Fenris?" I guessed on what's come next to Orlath's story

"Yes, he did damaged our engines and cast a spell on the ship along with it's crew." Orlath replied

"It said that he banished us from this really and the next thing we know, we ended up here in your realm." Orlath added making nodded in understanding on the Pack Leader's story

"Since the curse is on us we can't return back to our reality." Orlath replied

"It is alright, the Grey Knights on 'The Titan's Hammer' felt the same event like you all did, but they were able to adapt to their new surroundings and same goes to you all and your crew as well." I said to the Grey Hunters

"Your right we must adapt to our new surroundings." Orlath replied in agreement

"We will be your allies now, brother." Orlath replied and soon he and the Primaris Grey Hunters kneeled down towards me

"I'm happy to have you all as allies, I'm giving you the task to explore the planet's surface but in small groups of three Battle Brothers while the rest remained on your ship and monitor any newly arrived allies or enemies with the Grey Knights in their Ship." I ordered them which the Grey Knights nodded in agreement

"I will send three of our Packmates to aid you in your exploration of the planet." Orlaht replied and soon he along with his pack went back to their Thunderhawk then take off and head back to their Gladius Frigate in Space

"Things are getting interesting." I sated to myself and soon went back to my and allies campsite to bring in the news about the Newly arrived Primaris Grey Hunters and their Gladius Frigate as well

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