Prologue: Arrival of the new Neighbors

Start from the beginning

"Oh I sure hope they are," She chuckled as she drove into their garage. 

As their garage door closed, the new neighbors came out to help assist the movers as to where each box should go. 

"Those are lights, please be careful with them" The oldest among the siblings spoke. 

"Takeomiiii" The youngest called in a dragged and lazy tone. "I'm hungry, Haru said we should get spicy noodles" 

"Hey! I said nothing about getting spicy noodles" Another male retorted before he tried to smack his sister in the head. "Let's go to that bakery instead, let's see if they have cheesecakes" 

"It's already five p.m., we should order something for dinner," Takeomi said as he opened his phone to check restaurants nearby. 

While they were deciding on a place to eat, Y/n and her mother were preparing ingredients for their dinner. 

"How many side dishes should I prepare?" Y/n asked herself before shrugging and continuing to prepare the ingredients. 

"Why are you preparing so many ingredients?" Her mother asked. "Are you planning on inviting the new neighbors for dinner?" 

"What...?" Y/n asked genuinely. "No, not really," 

"Oh," M/n muttered before continuing to prepare the other ingredients. 

"Why, what's wrong?" She asked. 

"Nothing, I just thought you'd invite them as a welcome" Her mother answered giving Y/n an idea. 

"Oh! tomorrow I should do that," Y/n beamed. "I'll give them some pastries, I'll have to ask my secretary to deliver some to their home" 

"You should do that by yourself Y/n, so you'll meet them properly and not just from your secretary's reports" Her mother lectured. "And I'm sure you have time for it, don't make your schedule an excuse,"


"Ah, ah, no buts," Her mother continued. "When was the last time you actually socialized and made friends? and I'm not talking about any small talk to a stranger" 

Y/n sighed defeated but still with a small smile. "Okay Mom, I'll... try, tomorrow, I promise" 

M/n smiled. "Alright, let's get started with the cooking," 




After their dinner, Y/n went to her home office after cleaning up the kitchen. She paced back and forth as she called her secretary on the phone. 

Unknown to her a certain pink-haired male watched her from her window, don't get him wrong, he wasn't doing it to be creepy; it was just a coincidence. 

Y/n's home office window was exactly beside the next-door house window, both on the second floor so both windows aligned with each other. 

He didn't intend to watch Y/n, more like he was forced to look at her by his curiosity since she kept pacing. 

Pacing while talking on the phone has become Y/n's mannerism since she can't do anything else while talking on the phone. 

"Yes, tomorrow morning," Y/n said. "Bring all the current best sellers," 

"Are you going to eat it all?" Her secretary asked which made Y/n laugh after gasping offendedly. 

"Excuse you, mister, do you want me to fire you?" Y/n said jokingly. "Speak to me with respect-!" 

Her secretary's hearty laugh can be heard on the phone. "You can't fire me though" 

"Yeah, you're right, I can't," She chuckled. "You're the most competent out of all my employees, it would be a shame to dispose of you" 

"You say that as if I'm an object, I'm hurt-!" Her secretary said with a chuckle. "But okay, tomorrow morning, noted" 

The pink-haired male could see her mouth moving but he couldn't hear her, not that he assumed he would, there was a great distance between them, and, all of the houses in their block were soundproofed. 

He saw as she hung up the phone before sitting by her desk and then continuously typed and scrolled using her mouse. 

"Haru," His older brother called as he entered the empty room. "Is this going to be your room?" 

"No, I prefer it if this room is set up as an office," Sanzu replied, taking the idea from Y/n's home office. "I'll let Senju choose her room first before I choose mine," 

"Alright," Takeomi replied. "Don't whine if she chooses a cooler room," 

"Please, Takeomi, I'm not twelve to choose which room is cooler, it's just a room to sleep in, nothing to be picky about," Sanzu shrugged. 

"Is that why you chose this room to be the office?" Takeomi questioned. 

Sanzu hummed. "It's spacey, has a huge window, and a great view," He said before glancing outside. "A perfect setting to be productive, don't you think?" 

"Hey, I already chose my room- Woah! This room looks cool, is it your room Haru?" Senju entered. 

"No, he suggested it to be the home office," Takeomi replied making Senju nod and look around. 

"Oh, look, I can see the neighbor from here," Senju pointed at Y/n whose gaze was glued to her screen. "She looks focused... and very attractive..." 

Takeomi glanced at Sanzu. "A great view huh?" He repeated Sanzu'z words. 

"What?" The younger male asked genuinely, he was actually looking at the open field earlier that can be seen from the window.

"Nothing," Takeomi changed the subject. "Come on, we'll stay at a hotel for tonight, I'm not going to stay all night to unpack heavy furniture and I'm sure you two wouldn't as well," 

"Yeah," Senju stretched her body and arms as she yawned. "Moving stuff is so exhausting..." 

"You barely lifted anything though," Sanzu rolled his eyes. 

"Neither did you," Senju raised a brow. 

"Let's go," Takeomi called sternly, not having the energy to scold the two of them. 

As the three left the room, Y/n looked out the window to see the neighbor's light turn off from the room just beside hers. 

She thought someone was looking at her but seeing that no one was there, she shrugged and just continued with her work. 

= - = - =

A/N: And another one, 

I have no concrete plans for this story soo this could either go on until 50+ chapters or maybe it could end with fewer chapters, only the future me could know lol. 

Anyway, thanks for checking this story out, I hope you'll have fun reading it as much as I had fun writing it. 

See you in the next chapter~

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