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The episode opens with a view of the Heeler house. On the deck, Bandit is setting up a barbecue, while Bluey copies him with a fake barbecue made from a bench, a rugby ball, and some trays. They both move their barbecues onto place, take the lids off, clean the grill by scraping it, turn on the gas, and turn the knob, only for nothing to happen.

Bandit: Ugh, come on!

Bluey: Oh, come on!

Bandit: Come on, start!

Bluey: Start! Come on!

Bandit: Come on, you heap of junk!

Bluey: Come on! Heap of junk!

The barbecue finally lights with a whoosh.

Bluey: Whoosh!

Bluey and Bandit: There it goes.

Bingo [voiceover]: This episode of Bluey is called: BBQ!

Later, the barbecue is in full swing. Bandit is cooking sausages while Stripe stands nearby with a beer. Isabelle, Chilli and Trixie are setting the table with plates and sauce. Bluey is cooking at her pretend barbecue. Muffin and Socks are sitting next to Bluey with a bench as the table.

Chilli [to Trixie]: (laughs) You've got to.

Bandit [to Stripe]: And they're blowing the whistle, the farmer's yelling, "It's dog versus sheep."

Stripe: Oh, wow.

Bingo carries a small deck chair over to the bench and sets two plates up in front of Muffin and Socks.

Bingo: There, table set.

Bluey: Almost ready with the sausages, kids.

Muffin: I love sausages!

Socks: (barks excitedly)

Bingo: This is my relaxer chair. It's where I relax.

Bingo sits on her chair.

Bingo: Ah! So relaxing.

Chilli puts a bowl of salad on the table, Trixie brings out some more plates and Isabelle brings out cups.

Chilli [to Trixie]: Tell me about it! Bandit had one on the back of his ear the other day, he kept going "Oh! Oh!"

Muffin looks over at the salad.

Muffin: We have to have salad with our barbecue!

Bluey: You're right, Muffin! Bingo, can you be in charge of the salad?

Bingo: Well, I was relaxing in my relaxing chair, but ok.

On the other side of the deck, Bandit is shielding his eyes from the sun. He picks up a hat.

Bandit: Whew! That sun is hot!

Bingo: Can I borrow this, Dad?

Bingo steals the hat from Bandit and takes it over to the others, putting it on the bench.

Bandit: Hey!

Bingo: Ok, this is the salad bowl.

Bingo sits back down in her chair.

Muffin: You need to put salad in it!

Socks: (growl-like barks)

Muffin: I like capsicum salad!

Bluey: Ooh, me to! I love capsicum!

Socks: (barks) Gleen catsimun.

Muffin: Socks says she likes green capsicum the best.

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