Setup - Act 1

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 A visual imagery of a geographic location near a lake is shown, dating 100 years ago – 1922. It shows a kid walking towards the water, as her mother screams, an evil, paranormal spirit appears in the mist, takes the kid. Eerie whisper scream echo is heard, the camera pans towards the lake.

---cut to----

Modern day, 2022, December month

Same location, an old, sturdy but ill-maintained house sits near the lake. A leasing agent is showing Vicky the house. Leasing agent does not mention any previous history of the house, just that its a hidden gem, great deal blah blah

Vicky goes back to his apartment which he has with wife. The talk about the house, they've been seeing houses for a few months and nothing they like is in their budget. Part of the reason is – Vicky is a Truck driver, and his wife Gunjan always wanted a guy who is better off financially. However, they fell in love, and she wants to be able to get a house that she can compete with all the rest of her family and friends circle. This is a good one, a bit faraway..but a good deal. Wife Gunjan and Vicky browse the house pics on the computer. While it is a fixer-upper, and Gunjan is not completely sold, the good deal convinces her.

They move in.

Husband vicky is now getting longer routes to travel in his truck, for more money. Going to USA over night and back sometimes, sometimes gone for 2 days.

He misses his family

Wife Gunjan and kiddo Kiran are sitting at house one day when strange things start happening – eerie noise, swishing sounds and what looks like something quickly darts past their window. They look outside but can't see anything. They're scared, but put it down to nerves.

Morning, Gunjan and Kiran step out, and realize they don't have any nearby neighbours. They're not close to any stores, have to drive to store.

Vicky comes back from one of his truck runs, and Gunjan and Kiran share their experience with him. He's slightly shaken and comforts them he'll handle it. But is unsure what to do.

Next evening, they're invited to a Brampton get together. As Gunjan is inside with the ladies and kids run around, the men have a hookah, beer and bbq grill session in the garage. Vicky shares that he's worried about their safety and what can he do?

One of his friend, another truck driver, informs he can check up on them the evenings he's gone. A phone call or a visit to drop of if anything is needed. Another friend,an IT consutlant tells him about CCTV cams in the house, which he can access on his phone anytime.

Vicky likes this idea, and decides to invest in this. Goes home and shares this with wife, and she's ok with it. Cams are installed, and he's able to view them on his phone. He is now a bit at peace, he can observe what's happening when he's out and about.


 Confrontation Act 2 -

 Vicky is on one of his long hauls and is takeing a break at a pit stop. Checking his phone CCTV camer app, and he sees something very disconcerting. Kiran is playing in the room, and when she leaves, a spirit sort/a shadow outside follows her. He immediately calls home, and Gunjan picks up

Vicky: Where's Kiran? Can you check to see if she's ok

**screaming heard**

Gunjan drops phone and runs up, Kiran is scared and in a corner, starting at a broken window

Kiran comes back down with her, picks up phone: "She's scared but she's ok, not hurt. What happedn?"

Vicky: "Get out of the house. I'm texting you a friends location. Getin the car as soon as possible and leave"

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