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Ana's Bedroom (weeks later)

jimena is already in the bedroom (stage)

Ana is in the bathroom (offstage)

Jimena: [Shouts] Ana!! Muevete!! Move!!!

Ana: [Shouts] Wait! I'm still getting ready!

Jimena: [Shouts] Is a house party for goodness sake! Is not a big deal!

Ana: [Shouts] It is a big deal! It's his birthday!

Jimena: [Shouts] Whose birthday?

Ana gets out of the bathroom

Ana: Joseph!

Jimena: Oh right... I completely forgot about him

Ana: Well then? How do I look?

Jimena: What?

Ana: How do I look?

Jimena: [Looks at Ana from heads to toes] Like always

Ana: Jimena! I mean it!

Jimena: [Rolls eyes] Ask David, he should know better

Ana: Come on! This is important!

Jimena: Ana, you look fine. Like I said, is just a house party!

David enters the stage

David: I've been waiting for you, for about half an hour. What is taking you so—? [Looks at Ana] Wow! Ana! You look amazing!

Ana: [Blushes] Thank you!

Jimena: [To herself] Told you [Rolls eyes].

David and Ana are staring at each other

Jimena: What are you looking at?

David & Ana: Nothing!

Jimena: Well then? Let's go!

Ana: [Raises voice] But I'm not ready!

Jimena: [Raises voice] Oh, Come on!

Ana: [Raises voice] I have to look perfect!

Jimena: Fine! Muevete!

Ana smiles and goes back to the bathroom

David: I'm amused

Jimena: At?

David: You...

Jimena: What the fuck? Why?

David: Oh... no, no! I didn't meant it in that way. Usually you are the one who takes longer for going out, so ...

Jimena: I know, is just I didn't want to overshadow Ana

David: Wow, hold that ego! Ana doesn't need your pity!

Jimena: That's not what I meant, Ana is fucking hot, and I know that!

David: What you meant then?

Jimena: Is just... Forget it

David: Tell me...

Jimena: I don't know if I should

David: I promise, I won't tell anyone

Jimena: Its better if I don't tell you

David: Oh, For Christ sake! We've known each other since

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