As I saw the Slytherin devil go inside the classroom I quickly dusted the bad energy that radiated from her off of us "That girl is mental!" I looked at hermione who didn't say anything she stood still, you could've mistaken her for a statue if anyone walked by. Suddenly she faced me "Why did you step in front of me?" What? Why is she asking that. I gulped "Well it's becau-" she cut me off "I don't need you to protect me, I can deal with her" she looked away "You have got to be bloody joking, you don't need 'protection'? We keep saving you remember?! You were petrified! also at the hunted willow last year!" She scoffed "You have no right to say that! The number of times I've saved you and Harry doesn't even compare to the times of you saving me!" she then sighed and looked at me "..it's just..when it comes to simple bullies I can deal with them on my own" I now scoffed "Fine then by all means deal with them alone" I walked in the classroom.


I walked in leaving Granger and Weasley outside. I sat next to Draco as he left a free seat next to him. The classroom was dim and the walls were dark. There was a black chalk board with light brown edges accompanied by a little stand underneath it with many small chalk waiting for usage. It was right in the center of the room so it was hard to miss, but perhaps the students in the back would have trouble reading from it. I looked around seeing exciting objects such as desiccated insects in tiny glass vile's and dusty skulls that looked like they belonged to big beasts, they were resting just on top of the lecturers desk. Draco handed me a black book with peculiar runes on it. The cover read 'The essential defense against the dark arts'. The book looked up to date, like it was a new edition. The casing shined in the light, it had that freshly printed parchment smell. I recognize this volume, of course I did because I've already read it. Except in my time the binder no longer shined, the brims had creases and the pages were yellow from usage and what I could only assumed spilled coffee.

Draco smiled, "I assumed since your new, you didn't manage to pick it up at diagon alley."  I nodded, he is actually not wrong I forgot to pick this one especially, "You assumed right, thank you but won't you need it?" He shook his head and took out another version of it from his bag. I made an oh sound and he shrugged, "Father always buys me a copy of everything on the schools list every year in case I lose anything. He is exceptionally demanding when it comes to school. He wants me to become head boy, a prefect can you believe it?" Draco a prefect? I suppose Lucius will become proud next year since he will in fact become one in the fifth year. I dipped my quill in the ink pot and turned to him, "I believe you can do anything if you set your mind to it." I said encouraging him. He nodded his brows furrowing, "So you think I can? Become one I mean, a prefect?" I nodded, "Of course, if that's what you really want then yes." He looked away seeming to think about what I had said. My chin rested on the palm of my hand as I looked at my puzzled cousin. He really does look different in this time period, well for one he doesn't have a beard and a horrible haircut. His hair is still a perfect shade of platinum blond and not a bright over washed yellow color like he has there. He just looks like a normal kid still trying to figure things out for himself. Trying to find his calling and hopefully his identity in the long run.

He turned his body to face mine and sighed, "Its not..but it's what my father wants, and all Ive ever wished for is for him to be proud of me." Ahh I can relate to this all too well. I know I'd do anything to make my father love me, admire me and see me as someone he can trust. I flicked my hair back and agreed, "I want to make mine proud too." He looked ahead and scratched the back of his neck, "Who's your father anyways?" I removed my gaze on him and tapped my nails on the wooden table, "Let's just say he is someone not to be messed with."


I hummed, "Your father knows him very well."

"He does?"

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