Meeting peter parker

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Kate's pov:

I open my eyes, and see I'm in a little apartment. Not so small but small.

"Uhhh?? Where am I? Who are you?" I say. Wondering where and who took me here.

"Ah! Yes! I'm so glad your awake!" A man says

"Woah woah! Back off random person!" I say

"Hey hey! I don't wanna hurt you. My name is Peter. Peter Parker, and I'm Spider-Man"

"What?!!? Dude I'm your biggest fan! I love you I love you  I love you!!" I say, not realizing what I just said "not literally, you know what I mean"

"Yeah I do" Peter says

"So why did you take me here in your apartment?" I asked Peter

"Well ya see, while I was finding some crime to fight, then I saw you rounded by six thugs with weapons. You were unconscious and bruised. so I wanted to help, and this is the only thing I thought of bringing you here." Peter says warmly

I smile at him and he smiles back at me.

"Hey if your hungry, I ordered food! I'm not sure what you like, but I got some pizza!" Peter says excitingly.

"I love pizza more than anything!' I say and peter smiles warmly at me, my face starts to blush and get hot.

"Hey?" Peter asks

"Yes?" I reply.

"I never got your name." Peter said

"Kate, Kate bishop" I said as I held out my hand for him to shake.

He shakes it "Well hi Kate. Can I call you Katie?"

I laugh "if you call me Katie I'm calling you petey"

"Yeah on second thought no I'm good" we both chuckled as I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the couch.

I stood up and grabbed the pizza box and set it down on the table.

After we were done eating, we just went on our phones. Peter was looking at pictures of his, sorta ex girlfriend and ex bestfriend, because while we were eating he told me the "forget me" story and nobody, except me and I'm proud to be the only person that knows him except me and I'm proud to be the only person that knows him.

We got off our phones and just sat there. Also, I couldn't help myself and I started staring at him, goddamn he's hot.

Then he looked at me. I was looking into his eyes while he was looking into my eyes.

I started leaning in, and so did he.

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