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A.N: When something's written like this it's meant to be a flashback/dream, it comes later on in the chapter but just wanted to say so no one's confused.

A ray of sunlight shown onto Clotted Cream's closed eyes, his face scrunching up before he slowly opened them, taking in the ray of lights. He sat up, closing and reopening his eyes to adjust to the light of the room, the sound of birds chirping and the sun lightly beaming through the window gave a feeling of peace. He looked around noticing that it was one of the guest rooms of the castle, which was quite large in size. Lifting the covers from himself he got up, shivering slightly from the change in temperature. With a yawn he adjusted his clothes and used his fingers to comb through his fluffed up hair.
When he was content with it he exited the room, stretching as he walked through the halls and towards the main area, the small tapping of his shoes against the tiles echoed through the empty halls as the morning light glinted softly off of them. The guilt from last night stayed with him as he quickened his pace, anxiety churning in his gut with each step he took. Once he reached the the main door he exited the castle, seeing Hollyberry announcing to the soldiers that today they may have to give their lives for those they love. The air, despite being warm, had a sinister chill to it that froze The Consul. Hollyberry's speech had continued, her brows furrowed and a frown tugged at her face which showed how serious this situation was, the soldiers mimicking her face as they watched her with weapons ready.
Clotted Cream blurred out what she was saying, not on purpose but it seemed like his guilt was coming back full force as the pit in his stomach grew larger, knawing at him. He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the soldiers cheering, it seems like Hollyberry had said something inspirational, not surprising from someone with as much charisma as her. Her frown from earlier was now replaced with a determined smile as she held her shield in the air. Wildberry glanced over at Clotted Cream, smiling and giving a small wave, gesturing for him to come over as the soldiers began to go get prepared, chatting to each other before getting into formation as they stood still and waited for any sign of attack. Clotted Cream rushed over to Wildberry, who was standing beside Hollyberry. "You feeling better?" The guard asked, looking at The Consul.
"I'm feeling as good as I possibly can when there's a war about to happen." He chuckled nervously, fidgeting with the sleeves of his coat. Wildberry only nodded, he couldn't exactly comfort someone when a war was on the verge of happening. They looked ahead, sweat forming, the sound of armor clanking from the soldiers shifting around, perhaps out of nervousness. Clotted Cream let out a small breath, this is it, possibly the end of the world, would it be his fault. At that moment everything seemed to go silent, the soldiers raising their weapons as they stood prepared and a faint breeze rustled their hair, a scent of berries wafted through the air.
That silence that seemed to freeze time was broken when a faint growling was heard, along with what felt like the ground shaking, the scent of berries soon being overpowered by the smell of frosting. Archers aimed their bows at the approaching army, the strings being pulled taut. Hollyberry made a signal for them to relax, the archers looking at her in bewilderment before relaxing their grips and pointing their bows towards the ground. Leading an army of cake beasts, Pomegranate approached, Licorice, Poison Mushroom, and Affogato following close behind. They stopped a distance away, watching as Hollyberry and Wildberry went to the front of where the soldiers stood, Clotted Cream reluctantly following, refusing to make eye contact with the Priestess.
"You have a lot of nerve coming in and threatening our kingdom." Hollyberry shouted, raising her shield to signify that she will not hesitate to attack. "Though I do wonder why Dark Enchantress is attacking here."
"Our master's plans are no use for ears such as yours to hear. It will all be revealed once we take your Soul Jam and then spread darkness over the lands." Pomegranate said in a sinister tone, covering her mouth with her sleeve as she shook her mirror, the glass glinting in the sun. "Now I hope this will be an easy win, considering our spy did their job well." Her eyes squinted in a grin that was covered, looking back at the cookies behind her for a second.
"Wh- a spy!?" Hollyberry questioned, her shield lowering in shock. There was a shared silence from the Ancient's army, soldiers looking at each other and glancing around. "How did someone of your side sneak in?" She spoke in utter shock and confusion.
"Because we didn't send in any known villains," She continued, her eyes squinting slightly as she smiled at how Hollyberry's eyes went wide. "That's right, we sent someone you'd trust. Someone who we saw was so devoted to their cause that we just had to show them the truth, our master couldn't just sit by and let someone fight for something wrong without knowing why we were made." The Priestess mocked a sad tone, the grin on her face widening.
Without a second to be able to process this information, Pomegranate had opened her mouth again, the words that came out were like an electric shock that paralyzed them all. "Come here Clotted Cream." The Priestess raised her arm and pointed to The Consul who was looking down, unable to meet the gazes of those around him.
"H-huh," Wildberry looked at Clotted Cream with a shocked face. "She's lying, right?" The shaky smile falling from his face as he watched Clotted Cream walk over to the enemy, fists balled up and shaking slightly. "Clotted Cream! What are you doing!?" Wildberry called out at him, The Consul turning with a sad expression.
"I'm sorry but she speaks the truth, I- it's just- if only you knew what our real purpose was for." Clotetd Cream spoke with an urgent tone, clutching at his coat collar. His brows were upturned slightly as he let out a breath. "I'm sorry, though I don't agree with what Dark Enchantress is doing, I understand why and I want to help with making Earthbread safe where no cookie shall crumble."
"No, no! You've been tricking us the entire time." Wildberry's voice went quiet as he stared at The Consul, was it even right to call him that now, with disbelief. "Please say she's lying! Please! Say this is some bad dream, anything!" He desperately yelled at him, Hollyberry holding him back as he tried to run to Clotted Cream, his once usually emotionless face now filled with sadness and confusion.
Clotted Cream turned to look at him, his mouth quivering. "I never wanted it to be this way, I'm sorry." He said softly, a few tears welling up in his eyes before he turned away, Pomegranate placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Come now, we must get the information you have gotten back to Dark Enchantress." She spoke, glancing back at Hollyberry and the now frozen up Wildberry. Looking to the army of cake beasts and licorice soldiers, that were pulling themselves from the ground at Licorice's will, she spoke one word out into the now silent air. "Charge." And with that the beasts let out battle cries, rushing at the Hollyberry soldiers who were now running into battle, also crying out as claws scratched armor and swords pierced flesh, jam and frosting being shed.
Wildberry stood, watching as Clotted Cream's golden hair disappeared behind the chaos, would he ever see him again? Would he have to fight him? These were things Wildberry didn't want to think about but his mind kept bringing it up whenever he wanted to shove it away.
"Come now, you need to get a grip before you die!" Hollyberry ran infront of Wildberry, holding out her shield as she blocked an incoming attack from a cake monster, the sound of screeching from the claws ripping against the hard surface of the shield was nearly drowned out by the sound of war in the background. She shoved it away with a huff as Wildberry blinked, taking a battle position before slamming his armored fist into the beasts head, a small cracking sound was heard as it whined out, flailing backwards.
"I know that you've just experienced betrayal but now is not the time to think about it!" She yelled out at him, readjusting her shield. "I know I'm being harsh but I'd rather you not die!" Hollyberry grunted as she slammed her shield into an incoming licorice soldier's head. Wildberry only nodded, continuing to strike down enemies as they approached, his gauntlet being covered in licorice ooze and frosting with each strike he made. Hollyberry had run over to help defend those who were carrying harmed soldiers out of harms way to any nearby healers as Wildberry continued fighting and striking down approaching enemies as time passed and the war raged on. Wildberry turned to see a licorice soldier standing directly behind him, it's body looking as though it may fall apart. He stumbled back as he stared up at it, watching as it slowly moved to slam a fist down on him. He quickly moved out of the way but his cape was caught beneath the licorice soldier's fist. Grumbling, he scrambled to unclasp it, trying to ignore how the undead soldier was raising it's other arm to attack. The red cape fell to the ground, being ruffled by Wildberry sharply turning and catching the soldier's fist that was too close for comfort. Letting out an angry breath, Wildberry slammed his other fist through the licorice soldier. He watched as it turned into mush, hearing the distant curses of Licorice Cookie, mad that his creations were so weak when it came to health, Poison Mushroom trying to cheer him up with a mushroom.
"Mhmhm, quite pathetic if I must say." Affogato laughed, covering his mouth slightly as he turned his gaze towards Licorice.
"Yeah well why don't you do something!" Licorice spat at Affogato, who looked at him with a slightly offended face before smirking.
"Oh you'll see that what I have in store is far more powerful than your licorice soldiers." He spoke, head tilted high as Licorice only slumped, mumbling words to himself as his grip tightened on his scythe.
"Well then hurry it up, we don't have all day! We need to knock out as much as we can before heading back!" Licorice spoke with annoyance to which Affogato ignored, Poison Mushroom still waving around a shroomy, offering it to either one of them. "Very well then, let's see how they like the taste of poison." Affogato laughed before gripping his staff and muttering some words in an unknown language, a purple mist waving from his staff as it spread across the battle field. "I'd hold my breath if I were you, now we should get going unless you wish to be poisoned." Affogato spoke, walking away as Licorice covered his mouth with his sleeve and followed, Poison Mushroom seemed to not be affected by it as they jumped and ran after the two. Wildberry slouched slightly as the poison seemed to take affect, his armor feeling like it was going to crush him and his gauntlet making it hard to lift his arm.
Still, despite how tired he felt and how his arm felt like it may burn right off, he started walking from his spot, trying to reach soldiers that were now struggling against the poison and enemies, before the breath was knocked out of him by a cake monster who had rammed into him, denting his armor slightly. They tumbled, Wildberry hitting his head hard against the ground, his teeth gritting as he shoved at the cake monster. Noticing how he was too weak right now to shove it off, he punched at the monster's face but it just snarled and bit into his arm, shaking it's head slightly as jam began to leak from the pierced wound. His eyes squinted close as he grabbed onto it's mouth, trying to pry it open but only resulting in his armor further getting dented. He let out a cry when the beast yanked it's head away from his arm, the flesh ripping and jam splattering onto him, the ground, and the cake monster's face. Wildberry sucked in a breath, glancing around for anything to help himself before spotting a discarded weapon, it's blade gleaming like that of the heavens. He reached his good arm out for it, loosely grabbing the hilt and pulling it over, all while staring the cake monster in it's eyes as jam dripped from it's open mouth, it's eyes staying on his as it let out a growl before howling at him and rearing back some.
Suddenly being fueled with a burning adrenaline, Wildberry raised the sword as best he could, the beast turning it's head to look at the sword with a snarl before it moved to lunge at his throat. Before it could kill him Wildberry stabbed the sword into the cake beast's throat, frosting spilling onto the sword and Wildberry as it made gurgling noises, it's body twitching slightly as it fell down, going limp. Wildberry let out a breath as he collapsed, the adrenaline disappearing and instead being replaced with the pain from his arm which was steadily leaking jam. With a groan he tried to push himself up, wincing and falling back down as his injured arm buckled underneath him, his legs feeling numb from the dead weight of the beast that lay on him, it's gurgles stopping and the life having left it's eyes a while ago. He was hit with a dizzying feeling, his body feeling numb with every move he made. He felt sick, watching jam and frosting and licorice ooze decorate the ground in a horrific painting, the light gleaming off the silver armor blinded him.
His throat felt dry, his mind racing with thoughts, oh god, is this how I'm going to die. No, he wouldn't let himself die like this, pitifully laying underneath the corpse of a hound as he bled out from the large tear in his arm. He shoved against the body, rolling it off him with struggle and ignoring how more jam spilled out from his arm. He got to his feet, his head spinning with the sudden movement and nearly tripping over his own feet as he stumbled around, he didn't know what he was looking for, everything was becoming blurred and he knew he was on the verge of passing out, his legs wobbled underneath all the weight as his armor grew heavier. It seemed Lady Luck was on his side as he felt himself get grabbed and lifted some, looking at the blurred figure he could tell it was Hollyberry, he could hear her talking to him as she ran but he couldn't tell what it was that she was saying as he slipped from a sleep state and back into consciousness before closing his eyes.
God did he feel weak, nearly dying to bleeding out and poison. He didn't want to be weak, he didn't want to end up like that again.

The rain hadn't stopped and it didn't feel like it would anytime soon. A young Wildberry sat, shivering and sniffling as he tried to sit underneath the cover of a discarded box. He curled into himself, his body cold and hungry as he looked at the lights, distorted by the rain. It would have been pretty if he weren't in this state, how did he even end up like this, cold and alone on the streets. He could steal, he was tempted to do so but he knew he shouldn't, he knew it was bad, so he resorted to living off the leftovers of other people.
He never knew where this strong discipline came from,did he learn it from his parents, he didn't even know who or where his parents were. All he could remember was the feeling of pain and hunger gnawing at his insides, making him grow weaker. He always hated feeling weak because that was all he was right now, unable to help anyone because he couldn't even help himself. The sun was harsh in the days but the rains were terrible, the people here loved the rain because it was when they could take a break from the insane heat, it also offered water for the berries they used for nearly everything. Wildberry looked on at the people, some dancing around in the rain and laughing, they didn't care if they'd get drenched, no one here seemed to ever get upset.
He could only huddle into himself, his chin resting on his knees as he closed his eyes, the cold biting at him and causing him to shake. All of a sudden the sound of walking was coming up to him and he jolted up with fear, his eyes widening to see Hollyberry herself walking to him, that smile would've made him feel comfort if he wasn't scared of being kicked out from this spot. "Hello there young one," she spoke, crouching down to his level as he continued to stare at her with fear, his eyes unblinking. "Hmm, where's your parents at, it's not good for them to leave you out here." She said, looking around to see if any cookies were walking over, signifying that he is their child.
"I don't know, I don't know where they are." He spoke quietly, his throat dry. Hollyberry's eyebrows furrowed as she looked at him, before gently picking him up.
"How about I take you in until your parents show up, is that ok with you?" She asked, smiling at Wildberry.
"R-really." Wildberry gasped, his face contorting into shock and disbelief.
"Yes really, now come now, let's get you washed up and dressed into nice and warm clothes." She spoke gently, carrying him back over to the castle where some other cookies stood, one being another child perhaps younger than him.
He didn't want to remember, though it was a nice memory he hated remembering when he was in this situation, but he couldn't help it. The past never goes away and he knows that, maybe that's why he's always been so polite, why he's never wished to bring harm to another, because he doesn't want anyone to go through what he did. Maybe that's why it hurts so much. And once again he was surrounded by nothing but black, one that hugged him close and whispered sweet nothings to him, like his mind had changed decisions and decided to calm him down.

A.N again: apologies for the made up Wildberry backstory, as of now I have no idea what his official backstory is so I just made on up, mainly going off the official picture of a younger Wildberry standing next to Hollyberry. Sorry for any spelling mistakes and stuff like that. Forgot to say that it's not canon Clotted Cream is evil, I just wanted to use those fan theories or whatever for this book.

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