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A ray of light passed through the window illuminating the room in a soft gold. Clotted Cream groaned, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He was laying over his desk, having passed out some time in the night. Stretching, he winced from the pain setting in from sleeping in such an awkward position. He grabbed onto his shoulder and rubbed it to try and soothe the ache.
"What time is it?" He mumbled, looking at the clock on the wall, the ticking the hands made seemed to be extremely loud against the quiet of the morning. He stared at it, getting lost in thought before trying to shake the sleep from his head. "I should have time to get fully prepared," He trailed off, what would he even need to be prepared for, he had nothing planned and there was no meetings. Then he remembered what Wildberry had asked him the other night, a smile forming on his face. He wasn't sure whether the Hollyberian was actually warming up to him, but it's nice to think so.
He put on his usual clothes, smoothening out the wrinkles and fixing the collar of his shirt. With a smile he combed out his hair, slightly fluffing it and moving it some so that it looked decent. "Mm, the fireworks show starts later tonight, and there's plenty of time left so I'll go walk around town I guess." Clotted Cream said to himself quietly as he walked outside, a nice breeze blowing by and birds chirping and fluttering about. A smile came to his face as he watched some birds flutter calmly in the sky before his attention got caught by a Hollyberian trying to sell him some goods, to which he politely declined. After walking around some and buying some things from the merchants he sat down on a bench, sighing.
Pulling out a notepad, he started to write something down before a loud voice sounded from behind Clotted Cream causing him to jump and let out a small yelp.
"Hey, didn't expect to see you here!" Hollyberry slapped a hand on Clotted Cream's shoulder as he shakily turned his head to look at who was talking to him.
"Quite funny that we somehow meet outside of your castle." Clotted Cream spoke, calming down and giving a small smile to Hollyberry.
"How about we all go check out the festival together! It's better to go around here with someone who knows the place, especially since some merchants will take advantage of the fact you're new here!" She smiled, shutting her eyes as she leaned over the bench.
"You're too social." Wildberry spoke. Clotted Cream didn't even realize he was there until he spoke, but it does make sense, he'd want to keep an eye on Hollyberry, especially in a crowded place like this.
"Don't be such a downer, Wildberry." Hollyberry said, lightly nudging him with her elbow. He crossed his arms looking from Hollyberry to Clotted Cream.
"I apologize for her being this energetic, she had some glasses of berry juice this morning against my best wishes." Wildberry said to the blonde cookie who gave a small chuckle.
"It's quite fine, I find it an honor that the queen herself invited me to hang out with you guys today." Clotted Cream responded, jerking a little as he felt Hollyberry grab his shoulder and cheer.
"Well then follow me, I know where the best shops and sights are!" Hollyberry spoke, already starting to walk away, Wildberry following slightly to her side. Clotted Cream rushed to make sure he could catch up and not lose them in the crowd of Hollyberians. They walked around for a while, Hollyberry pointing out different things and Clotted Cream staring in awe at the different landmarks. "Hmm, I could use a drink right now, follow me, I know a good place to get some berry juice!" Hollyberry said, heading over to what seemed to be a bar, her and Clotted Cream entering it before Wildberry got a chance to protest.
He sighed, shaking his head and entering the building to see Hollyberry and Clotted Cream already seated and requesting drinks.
"I would like to try some of your famed berry juice, I've heard it tastes good." The Consul spoke, receiving a glass of a pinkish liquid.
"Please don't drink too much." Wildberry spoke, looking at Hollyberry, Clotted Cream doing a small gasp seeing that she was already on her fourth glass. Wildberry ran a hand through his hair, looking at her with defeat. "You don't want to get drunk before the fireworks, you're supposed to do a speech." He spoke, worried while watching Hollyberry down another glass.
"Oh why don't you live a little!" She said, ordering another glass.
"How do you drink so much of these?" Clotted Cream asked, looking at Hollyberry as he finished his third glass, holding his head up with a hand.
"Ok that's it, we're heading back to the palace." Wildberry said, grabbing onto both of their shoulders before Hollyberry could respond. Clotted Cream dizzily pulled out some money and placed it on the counter, stumbling a bit to be able to catch up with Wildberry's pace. By the time they got to the castle, which took a while because Hollyberry kept on trying to chat with everyone, Hollyberry was actually getting ready to take things seriously and leaving to memorize her speech, Clotted Cream was on the verge of passing out, and Wildberry wished that they never went to that bar.
The Consul began to stumble away from Wildberry, nearly faceplanting into a wall before getting grabbed by the bodyguard. "You're gonna go and sleep on that couch." He said to Clotted Cream, pointing at a reddish pink couch and then dragging him over to it. Clotted Cream looked at Wildberry before falling onto the couch, shutting his eyes and letting out small mumbles of gibberish as the other sat down onto a chair, rubbing his face and groaning.

Time skip ahead some hours (once again not writing Wildberry sitting there)

Clotted Cream opened his eyes slowly, blinking them repeatedly to try and get the blurriness away before sitting up and rubbing his face groggily. "You're finally awake." He let out a small gasp as he looked besides himself with wide eyes, calming down once he realized who it was. Wildberry gave him a glass of water, which the Consul snatched and chugged it all down, doing a small cough as he set the glass onto a table besides the couch.
"What happened?" Clotted Cream asked, placing a hand on his messy hair as he winced from a headache setting in.
"You and Hollyberry drank some berry juice and you ended up passing out." Wildberry answered, sitting back down on the chair.
"Oh dear, I am so sorry about that." Clotted Cream looked at him worriedly then looked towards the ground.
"It's fine, I blame Hollyberry for even taking us to a bar." The Hollyberian spoke, slightly crossing his arms.
"Oh no, did I miss the fireworks?" Clotted Cream said, standing up and placing a hand onto the couch to steady himself.
"No, you actually woke up just in time, they start in a bit, Hollyberry got done her speech not too long ago." Wildberry said, standing up and lightly grabbing onto Clotted Cream's arm, leading him down the now lightly lit halls of the castle, going up some steps and stopping in front of a balcony.
"I've only seen fireworks once before, it was around the time I became the Consul." Clotted Cream spoke, stepping out onto the balcony, Wildberry following and stopping next to him.
"So, I had some questions to ask you," He said, looking at Clotted Cream as he rested his hands on the balcony railing.
"Hmm, what is it?" The Consul asked, slightly tilting his head at the other.
"I just wanted to kn-" Before Wildberry could finish a bright pink flare lit up the sky and shortly after a loud noise followed, the firework ending with a twinkling glitter that faded into the stars. Both of the cookies stared at the sky with a sort of awe as the next firework bursted into the air, displaying an image of the Hollyberry castle, then some cookie outlines, another firework joining and bursting into the image of some of the famed berries of the Hollyberry kingdom. Wildberry looked over to Clotted Cream who was leaning against the rail, the light of the fireworks glittering in his eyes as he stared at them, a content smile on his face.
Looking back to the sky, Wildberry watched as a firework burst into the shape of a mug of berry juice. He let out a groan as he looked at it with distaste, Clotted Cream doing a small laugh as he looked towards the Hollyberian.
"You guys must really like berry juice." He said, a small grin on his face as he looked at the other.
"Yes, nearly everyone here loves it but I couldn't care less about it, I honestly hate the taste of it." Wildberry grumbled, looking at the sky a bit longer before turning to look at Clotted Cream.
"I find it quite funny that even though you grew up with a bunch of cookies who love berry juice you somehow ended up hating it." Clotted Cream said, smiling in amusement as the other gave a small nod.
"I like that about you though, that you're able to still be, how do I say this, different than other Hollyberians despite growing up around them. I mean from what I've noticed you don't express emotions much, and nearly every other Hollyberian I've seen have been so happy and cheerful."
"I guess you're right, I never thought about it like that." Wildberry spoke, looking down slightly.
"Oh dear, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, I didn't mean to." Clotted Cream said, stepping towards Wildberry.
"No, it's fine, I understand what you meant, I guess I'm just shocked." He said, looking at the Consul.
"Well, you don't look too shocked." Clotted Cream laughed.
"I guess I'm bad at expressing emotions, maybe." Wildberry said, a slight smile growing on his face.
"Well then, maybe one day you'll be able to, but that doesn't mean you have to, I'm sure people like you the way you are, even if you barely show any emotion." The Consul smiled, leaning against the railing again.
"Yeah, maybe you're right." Wildberry said, looking back up to the sky as more fireworks burst and faded into small glittering spots. The two of them stood there, watching the rest of the fireworks and occasionally chatting. Once the fireworks show ended the sound of cheering could be heard distantly, both of the cookies heading back inside the castle. "Hey, maybe you could stay here for the night, I'm not sure how long of a walk back to where you're staying is and it is pretty late." Wildberry suggested.
"If you do want to stay the night then I'm sure we could find you a good enough guest room."
"That sounds fine, I'll gladly accept." Clotted Cream said, following the Hollyberian as he led him to a guest room before going to his own room and shutting his door.

A.N.: I tried my hardest to make them get along

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