"Hm, I guess that's right.. guess we'll see once we get everything else in." He stepped a bit to the right, making more of a space between us. I let out a silent breath, continuing to read out the next ingriedient to him. "Uh- now we need a teaspoon of baking powder and half a teaspoon of salt." Exer opened a drawer, looking for a teaspoon, but then closed it and opened a different drawer.

"I can't find a teaspoon.. is there anything else we can use?"  I thought about it for a second "We could just wing it and hope for the best?" He laughed, and I smiled and grabbed a normal sized spoon to use for it.

"Alright.. does this look like a teaspoon to you??" I shoved the spoonful of baking powder towards his face, waiting for an answer. "Hmm, probably a bit less than that and you'll be good." I moved it away from his face and removed some from the spoon before adding it to the bowl of flour. I got a small bit of salt on the spoon and showed it to him, and we both agreed that it looked like it was about half of the prior amount. "Alright, now where's your sugar?"
We finished with the dry ingriedients, mixing them together before we got the eggs, vanilla and butter. We put a cup of butter in the microwave for about a minute and prepared the rest of the ingriedients in the meantime.

"Ok, we'll just assume that this is two teaspoons.. and now we crack the eggs into it." I got the now melted butter out of the microwave as Exer cracked the eggs, and I mixed it until it was ready. It seemed more dry than it should be, but we ignored that and divided the dough into sections on the pan. We put them in the oven and then all we had to do was wait.


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"Wanna watch a movie while we wait? The cookies will take a while." Exer strolled over to the shelf, looking through the different movie choices that there were. I sat on the couch behind him, playing with his hair. "How about this one?" He pulled out a Christmas movie. "Yeah, that's a good one. Sure!" We sat down on the couch next to eachother, and eventually Exer dozed off to sleep. I laughed, but after a while I drifted off into sleep with him.
"EXER!!!" I called out from the kitchen. He woke up abruptly, running to the source of the sound to find out what had happened. He walked in to see the cookies dark and burnt on the counter, and the window open to let smoke out. "We both fell asleep.." I sat there, trying to get the cookies off the pan as Exer burst out laughing. "And here I was thinking we'd be able to make something this year!"

I rolled my eyes, but eventually sat down in a chair next to him, smiling. "You put too much faith in me." He walked over to the cookies, which were now semi-scraped off the pan and had been placed in a bowl. He looked at them, questioning them, and then he pulled out one that seemed to be the most un-burnt out of all of them.

"Aha!! See? We can cook! We got one!" He sat down at the table next to me, breaking the fragile cookie in half and handing it to me. "There. Now we both get to try our masterpieces." I chuckled, and took a bite of it. They weren't horrible. The proportions of ingriedients seemed to be right, the only problem was the fact that they were burnt to the core. But other than that, they were actually pretty good.

"Not bad" I said before taking another bite. I yawned, causing Exer to laugh which sent a glare in his direction. I leaned back in my chair. "I should call my Dad and see if he can pick me up. It's too cold to walk home." Exer looked up from the bowl of cookies and smiled.

"You can stay here- if you want." Surprised, I looked up at him "Really? I wouldn't be a bother?" He smiled at me, standing up and leaning over the back of my chair. "No, of course not!! It'll be a Christmas sleepover!" I grinned, and we stood up and left to the living room, ready to sleep.

this is gonna be 2 parts (bc this is already like 1500 words..) the next part of this will be out tmr :]

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