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April 4th, 1999
1:45 pm

Monique opened the door to the go karting place. She looked around until she saw a familiar face. "Heath!" She yelled out happily. The tall blonde quickly turned with a smile on his face. "Monique!" His arms open wide and like second nature she ran into them.

"I'm so happy to see you." Heath swing the two back and forth a bit before pulling apart. "Same." Monique smiled. "So, I saw a car on the sign outside. What is this place?" Monique questioned. "Have you ever been go kart racing?" Heath smiled and Moni's dropped. "Oh no, I suck at go kart!" And Heath could only laugh. "I'm sure you'll do great."

little red corvette with

Monique's eyes looked up as the guy placed the helmet on her. "So are you excited, Monique?" Heath asked as he strapped himself in his go kart. "Erm, if exciting meant I'm going to embarrass myself then yes. Yes I am." Monique nodded frantically. Heath chuckled. "Also you can call me Moni if you want. Hearing Monique sounds like I'm at a interview." Monique smiled at Heath.

He smiled back. "What about Mi? Can I cal you that?" Heath asked and Monique smiled with a nodded. "Fine by me." "Are you ready?" A announcement came from the speaker. "Yes!" Heath cheered and Monique groaned. The light up head turned red then yellow and soon green.

It wasn't long until Heath and Mi took off. Swerving throughout the track. As they competed for first they laughed as they drove through the go kart track. Mi had won the first round and Heath had won the second. As they competed head to head they had tied the third round.

Mi laughed as she took her helmet off. "That was so fun!" Heath smiled as Mi eyes twinkled with delight. "Yeah, you wanna get something to eat?" Monique smiled. "Sure."

little red corvette

"Wait so let me get this straight, you slept with your best friend?" Heath asked. "I mean yeah." Moni laughed with nerves. "So you're what? Bisexual?" Heath asked. "Mhm." Monique hummed as she sipped her drink. "Is that an issue?" Monique asked. Heath shook his head with a smile. "No. I don't mind it." Monique smiled. "Never a guy has mind it if a woman likes a woman. They find it as an opportunity to have a threesome." Monique said.

Heath scrunched his face up in confusion. "Why?"

"Men like seeing WLW but, once they get it they always want to do it." "WLW?" "Women love women." Monique said. "Hm. Sounds like you're speaking from experience." Heath chuckled. "No, but you'd be surprised how many women in the industry like being eaten out by other women. Since you know. They know what they like." Monique stated. Heath took a sip of his coke as he listened.

"So have you had one?" Monique asked. "One what?" Heath asked. "You know, a threesome." Monique raised her eyebrows. Heath let out a low laugh and shook his head. "No. What I do with my sexual relationships is one person only. You don't know what people have nowadays." Heath said. Monique giggled. "True."

Soon they're food had arrived. "So, favorite role you've taken?" Heath asked. "I'm working on this street race film right now. So that's pretty fun." Monique asked. "Who's it with?" Heath asked as he took a bite of his food. "Vin Diesel." "The guy that did Strays?" Heath asked. "Yeah." "Who else?" "Paul Walker and some new comers." "Nice." Heath smiled. "What's your part?"

"Can't tell you. That'd be spoiling." Mi smiled. Heath frowned. "I'll be good. I won't tell." Moni laughed. "Sorry bud. Under contract." Heath pouted. "Whatever."

After enjoying lunch together the two soon partied. Monique held her phone to her ear. "So what did you guys talk about?" Ana asked. "Everything really. From personal experiences to movies. You name it." Mi smiled. "So are you guys going out again?" Ana asked as she twisted her finger around the cord of her phone.

"Yeah, he says he has someone he wants me to meet. I'm hoping it's not his parents or something." Moni said and Ana laughed. "I highly doubt it, Moan." Ana said. "Yeah, hopefully I make a good impression on whoever it is." Monique smiled as the two continue to talk.

The more concerning thing is that Heath hoped Monique would be okay with the person he's introducing.

little red corvette

hiii. I haven't update this in like foreverrr soo here ya go. Hope you all enjoyed !! Stay safe and kind !!



Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.
Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

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