Grim-Sama ✨3

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"Now class listen very well here, I need you all to do a very simple work 'Mention any fruit, vegetables or flower that can make someone cry.' Mr Crewel announced clearly the whole class as we nodded our head. "Yes Sir!" The whole class reply. "Good now you are all dismissed"

Just as he dismissed us we stand up as we headed to rest since it the end of classes. "Man...this so boring" Ace said as he yawn, "indeed...after history class i couldn't help stop myself from falling asleep but thank God Mr Crewel just gave us that simple task" Deuce said as we both agree.

"I kinda feel jealous of honey boo, he gets to skip class but he always be top one in the whole school" Said Ace. "Yeah... sometimes I wished to skip class with dad but he scolded me for that idea telling me to follow the path of knowledge inorder to reach my goal" "not only that Baal gets to roam around the whole place since he is not a student and he is always by Dracule-san sides" said Deuce as we were both feeling envious at the demon.

Just as we arrive at our separate ways we bid ourselves goodbye and went back to our dorm, we i arrived at the dorm i saw Dad preparing us dinner and let me tell you it smells delicious making me drooling myself. "Welcome back Grim how was your day?" Dad asked in a gentle tone as he smiled at me.

I totally love hearing my dad's voice it always making me forget my worries and I feel so calm and peaceful. "It not bad i guess" i answer him honestly as he finished the food and started serving on the table, as we dine i told him about my day went as he also told me about his until we finish.

Just as i layed on the bed write my homework while dad was in the shower, Baal suddenly appear behind me looking like a melting ice cream, "what happened to you?" I asked him even tho I hate him but i still get worried about the Demon. "Master had assigned me a difficult task that took me a whole day to finish" said Baal.

"Alright" i just said as i continued my homework, "school task?" "Yeah" "What does it says?" Asked Baal curious as he sat besides me petting my ear. "It just says to mention a fruit or vegetable or so goddam flower that can make you cry and WILL YOU PLZ STOP DOING THAT!!" I shouted out angrly and slapped his hand away while the demon chuckled until my dad get out from the shower and Baal went away.


The next day arrived as we all collected our homeworks. "Class i must say you did an excellent job in your homework except for one foolish dog" Mr Crewel announced as he gave everyone there homework when he gave me mine I couldn't believe i got an F while Ace and Deuce got A.

"Grim please stand up infront of the class" just as Mr Crewel announced my name i stode up and went infront. "Now grim please tell the whole class what your homeworks answer was" " some cry" "Please Repeat again Grim"

"Coconuts can make someone cry!" Just as i said that the whole class started busting out laughter until Mr Crewel quite them down "now you see your mistake Grim" "But it's true Mr Crewel coconuts make a person cry!" "I have none of you nonsense please come closer here and take our punishment" Just Mr Crewel declared he whiped me and then he dismissed the class.

"You now Grim you should have just wrote an onion or peppers" said Deuce "I agree also the blue poopies too" Baal joined the confession. "No lame answer and Tomorrow I'm gonna get my A for sure" I said determined while the others just laugh dismissing that it was impossible

Baal was about to report to my dad but I warn him if he spout any single word about it I will eat his strawberry cake which is his biggest weakness. Dad also asked about my homework but I told him I let Ace borrow my notebook. The next day i was already arrived at school carrying my backpack

I was standing outside of the class while students were passing by just the i spot a student from pomofiore dorm and I opened my back and i took out my secret weapon and hit him so hard that made the student injured.

"Now as you can see the dor-" Crowley was at the meeting with the dorm Leaders just then the door busted out opean revealing an Mr Crewel along with an injured pomofiore student. "Oh my goodness!! What happened?!!" Shouted Crowley.

"Grim please Enter here" said Mr Crewel as i followed behind them. "What is the meaning of this and what happened towards one of my dorm students?!" Aske Vil who was raging while the pomofiore student was crying. "Care to explain Grim" said Mr Crewel.

"I hit him with a coconut." "WHAT?!!" Shouted the dorm Leaders. "YOU IDIOT RACCOON ARE TRYING TO MURDER YOUR FELLOW STUDENT?!!" Shouted Crowley. "MR CREWEL SAID THAT COCONUT CAN'T MAKE SOMEONE CRY, SO NOW WHY IS HE CRYING, TELL ME WHY IS HE CRYING?!!!" I shouted out angrly at them.

"Hitting a student is far above the poin-" "I DON'T GIVE A S**T ABOUT HIM ALL I WANT IS MY A" I said in rage. "Grim you are going to far" said Riddle "i agree besides Coconut is not considered making a person cry" said Azule "Mr Ashington is right there for I'm-"

"I want my A or else everyone in this room will get the same treatment like him" i said in a murderous tone as i open my bag that carrying a lot of coconuts in it making the whole room shaking in fear.


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"Wow...this guy hold alot of pettier than me" said Leona as everyone sweatdrops in fear 😨


"Well Grim can you show me your homework now?" Mihawk asked "Yes look at it ☺️" "Excellent job Grim i knew you will get an A" said Mihawk in a proud tone while the Duos gawk in disbelief as Baal was looking suspicious at Grim.

'Oh dear Mihawk if only you knew how your son threat the whole room making them paralysis in fear just to receive his A'

The end..