Special chapter~✨

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Third POV

Early morning had arrived at the Ramshackle dorm the birds were singing happily as our dear friend Dracule Mihawk was still asleep peacefully.

*Clash!!!! Doom!!!Baa!!!* Loud noise were hear downstairs.

"Ugh...... what are these fools doing right now..." Mihawk say annoyed as he finally managed to stand up and walked towards the source of the noise only to be greeted by an unexpected guests.

"Fnya!!!? WHY ARE YOU GUYS HERE!!!" Shouted Grim as he was pointing his paw at Rogan and Marbas. "Aww~ you hurt my feelings little kitty" say Marbas as he was fake crying while Rogan,Baal and Grim look at the blue demon with disgust face.

"Fake B****....." Said both Grim and Rogan that made Mihawk choked thin air. "LANGUAGE BOTH OF YOU!!!!" the Ghosts Shouted at the two.

"Sorry....." Apologize Grim while Rogan hmph his face.

"What is going on here?" Asked Mihawk as he entered at the main lobby room seeing a broken wall and broken glass.

"Who.Did.This?" Asked Mihawk in the most merciless tone that made all the boys and demons shaking in fear while pointing at each other. "He did it!!!!" Shouted while the ghosts had run away from the scene.

Time skip brought you by everyone was cleaning up the mess while a huge painful bumper on their heads.

"No!!" Busted out Both Grim and Baal.

"Fufufuf... but I don't think it's both you two decision to decide"said Marbas

"I don't care!! There's is no way I'm letting you guys stay with us at our place" said Grim as both him and Baal was clinging at Mihawk while growling at Marbas and Rogan as they growled back.

"May I asked why do you plan to stay here?" Asked Mihawk as he looked at Rogan. The male sight softy as he looked at Mihawk "apparently I have some business to do near here, so I thought the easy way is to stay here just a week then I will be off your hair soon. (Yes not because I want to stay with him)"

"Very well" said Mihawk, "What?!! But Dad/Master!!" Shouted the two while Marbas and Rogan were sparkling in happiness.

"But on Three conditions." Declared Mihawk making Rogan and Marbas vanished there sparkles as the look at Mihawk a little bit scared to know those conditions while Grim and Baal stop whining to listen.

"Very well... what are your conditions?" Asked Rogan while Marbas was swallowing his nervous.

"First; I won't allow you two to stay for free that's mean you two also have to do some chores, Secondly; I don't want neither of you make a mess or start fighting each other's throats and Lastly; No swearing or cursing, if someone swear or curse he must put it 500 madols inside the swearing Jar."

"What the fuck!?" Swear Rogan, "Language now in the Swearing Jar!" Declared Mihawk making everyone around them snickering at Rogan knowing him that it's impossible for him not to swear or curse.


The day had passed easily and to be underestimate 50 jars were full of madols and Grim, Baal, Marbas along with the Ghosts were busted out laughing at Rogan who can stop cursing while Mihawk looked so disappointedly strict at him. (Who wouldn't seriously the Male has a short temper his mouth was so dirty....... wait! Not that Dirty you naughty readers!! *Spraying holy water*)