Will you forgive......?

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Song ~ *la la la~*

Memory or past ~ "what do you mean you are leaving me?" He asked

Text ~ "Baal you good for nothing demon" Author said in anger.

In the Ramshackle dorm two people and a racon were enjoying the moment of their life by playing games late at night while the ghost were watching them as they snickering planning to do some pranks, how lovely it would had been if a certain person join them along with his Demon by alas he locked himself inside his room refusing and wanting to be alone as he was collecting information for a certain individual.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++In the Ramshackle dorm two people and a racon were enjoying the moment of their life by playing games late at night while the ghost were watching them as they snickering planning to do some pranks, how lovely it ...

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।


"Baal there was something you are hiding from me all this time, so I would like you to spill it out now" said the demon's Master as he was holding files of the short male with highlights magenta but there were also other pictures and details about him which was confusing as to why he was angry at him.

"Master..... after many years before you...... let's just say I was looking for a person who my past master ordered me to look for someone who was dear to him but I didn't manage to find him until now" said the Demon as he was still hiding something from his master,

Just as the male was about to force him to speak out he felt his Haki identify a near by person who was waiting for him to arrive so he decided to seek it later. "Baal i need to make sure Grim along with other's are inside and never let them get outside"

"Understood master..."

Earlier/Lillia's POV

"Lillia-sama! What are you doing this is unlikely you!" Said Sebek

"Father please stop this madness! Lord Malleus won't agree with the way you are doing!" Said Silver as he was trying to stop me from going to the Ramshackle dorm.

"Stay out of this" i said in a cold tone as i pushed them aside making both the in progress hit the wall so hard as I marched forward to my location carrying a sword with me, i still can hear both Sebek and Silver were begging me to come back pain were covered in the voices but I didn't care at all the only thing that was in my mind was revenge and hatred boiling in my blood.

"Sebek! We must tell Lord Malleus about this before it's to late only he can stop him!" Said Silver as the other noded his head and started looking for the Dragon male which won't be easier.

THE GREATEST SWORDMAN || TWISTED WONDERLAND (ON HOLD)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें