Chapter 1: Coming Back

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The time Naruto left, was after he learned rasengan, but before Naruto and Sasuke would've caught in the cannon timeline. So he knows about the Nine Tails and it's chakra reserves.

Back to story 😔👌

I've been training my ass off for three years. I think I've been considered a Missing Nin because Anbu came looking for me. A few days ago. It took three years for them to realize I was gone.

I scoffed at the thought. I knew Sasuko knew. She probably gave me away. Of course she knew. She was there when I left so many years ago.

I don't blame her. I would've done the same. I've figured out a way to disguise myself using the Nine Tails Chakra. So I can change my look without it being temporary. And I can change myself back.

I was on my way to the Hidden Leaf. I'm finally coming back after three years.

I arrived at the Hidden Leaf Gateway and walked in.

It's basically the same scene from the first episode of Shippuden.
Except Jiraiya isn't there.

"U-usaratonkachi?" I looked down and for the first time in three years, I saw her.

Sasuko Uchiha.

(Since it's three years later I figured that the rest of this story takes place in Shippuden and this is her outfit in it)

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(Since it's three years later I figured that the rest of this story takes place in Shippuden and this is her outfit in it)

"I-it is you.." I jumped down from the pole I was standing on. "Hey, long time no s--"

She held on to me like her life was on the line. She started sobbing.

"I missed you.. we all did." She managed to form a smile out of her sadness. The same smile I saw three years ago.

"I missed you guys too.. well, you the most." Her eyes widened. "What do you mean?" I could tell she knew what I meant.

"I missed you Sasuko. I've dreaded leaving ever since you met me at the bridge that night. On my birthday none the less."

She pulled me into a tighter grasp. "I haven't stopped thinking about you since you left Usaratonkachi."

"Me neither Teme..." "Teme? You haven't called me that in years." She laughed.

"Sasuko, I know you tried to lighten the mood, but that just made it worse."

She laughed even harder. "Come on. We've gotta go meet everyone else!"

"S-sorry can't do that." I said while scratching the back of my head. "Why not?" "I'm considered a Missing Nin. If the Hokage knows I'm here, she'll have me sent to prison." I laughed nervously.

"Oh.. right." She had that sad look in her eyes like that one night.

"I.. don't suppose you have anywhere for me to stay. do you?"

I felt my face warm up a bit. "Aww, is Usaratonkachi blushing?" "S-shut it Teme!" I looked away as she laughed.

"Yeah, I have somewhere to hide you." "W-, don't say it like that!"

She laughed again. "Follow me Usaratonkachi."

"I thought I had to follow the path." "I hate your sarcasm." "I hate your big b-..." "big what Usaratonkachi?"

"Big beautiful attitude." I said while looking down, being obviously flustered.

"Hmm, I don't think you were talking about my attitude~" "Are we almost there? I'm getting kinda hungry."

Sasuko sighed. "Six years and you're changed alot, but not your appetite." "What can I say..." "You gonna finish that?" "Nope."

(They Arrive At Sasuko's House)
"Okay, we're here. Now I have a guest room, or you can sleep in mine~"

"Uh, I'll take the guest room.. hehehe." I said nervously. Sasuko had a heartbroken look. "Oh, okay. That's fine."

"Actually," Sasuko had a hopeful look. "I'll sleep in your room. If it's fine with you of course."

"Yeah yeah yeah! Of course it fine! I mean, it's whatever."

Okay? This was getting weird. This ain't the Sasuko I know. But, I'll roll with it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2022 ⏰

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