"Do what? Hurt you? Don't give me an answer and then see what I'll do" she looked at me with pure hatred.

What the hell have I done?

"Shit. Wanda I'm sorry, but don't you think this is too much?"

"Maybe. But I want an answer." She said slowly relaxing the energy balls, making them fainter to the eye.

I tried to walk past her to leave the room, but she grasped my arm stopping me. This really annoyed me to I took hers and flipper her over onto the mat on the floor. She shot a small energy ball at my stomach making me fly back against the wall onto a sharp hook. As if I wasn't in enough pain from the blast already, I had now been stabbed by a hook in the left side of my stomach.

I fall to the floor on my knees and i hold my side to stop the bleeding. It hurt like hell and I was winded, making it really hard to catch my breath.

"Shit Natasha! I'm sorry it was reflex I didn't mean to!"

I didn't even look at her. She rushed over to try to help me and I could hear her sobs. All I do is move off my knees so I'm sitting on the floor, slouched against the wall. The very wall that had my blood smeared down it. I kept taking short breaths so that I was still breathing.

"Wanda just go." I say finally looking at her. "You might not have meant it but I don't need your help or pity."

"But-" she said tears rolling down her face.


With that she got up looking at me and walked backwards slowly for a minute. Then rushing out the room.

I sat for a minute trying to gather some strength to get out the room. I use my free hand to push myself up holding the wall to help myself stand.

Still clutching on I stumble out the room trying to reach the elevator. Clint was stood there. Staring at me in shock.

"Nat! What the hell happened? Is someone in there?"

"It's nothing-  I just need to get upstairs." I said grunting in pain as I waited for the elevator to reach the floor I was on.

"It's clearly not nothing. Oh my god you're bleeding! Let's get you to med bay and explain to me there." He said with his arm wrapped around my lower ribcage trying not to touch where I was hurt.

Once we had reached the medical floor a doctor rushed over with Bruce.

"What happened?" They ask

"She hasn't explained to me yet just get her help immediately. She's hurt in the stomach area. And bleeding at the back. I'm not sure what went on or who did it." Clint said worried.

"Okay we'll see what we can do to help. You won't be able to see her for a while so I suggest finding out what happened." Bruce said

"W-why can't he see me. How long will it take" I said trying to make my way to a doorframe of a free room. A few steps off I collapse onto it: only just managing to keep myself up with the strength in my hand holding it.

"Right yes let's get you seen to immediately." One of the doctors said rushing to help me into the room closing the door behind Bruce.

Clints pov:

"What the fuck" I say to myself once I had reached the gym. The sight of blood smeared on the wall made my stomach turn knowing it was Natashas.

I frantically search the room to see if anyone had been here. I see natashas stuff on the bench, unused gym equipment and three punching bags. But then on the bench to my right someone else's stuff. I go over to take a look and see a red top. It was small so definitely one of the boys. Which only led me to think of wanda. Had she done this? Why? They hadn't been exactly on speaking terms but nothing that would make her want to hurt her I don't think. I take a closer look at the wall and see a hook dripping in blood.

All is forgiven - wanda natWhere stories live. Discover now