"Mmh, I remember" Dom said making Nathaniel sigh

"Well after he left, Bridget, my uh mo-mother, became someone unrecognizable. She loved my father in her own fucked up manner and it wasn't until I grew up that I realized just how toxic their relationship was. Only Nevada and I have the same father, so it was just us and her for a while. She did do the typical thing and turned to drugs, having men in and out the house, you know the whole 180, and turned 10 for some reason she did stop but that's when she uh... she"

"You don't have to say anything" Dom said knowing exactly where this story is heading

"No, I want to, I need to get this off my chest" Nathaniel said making Dom brush his arm

"Take your time" Dom said as he took a deep breath

"It started verbally. Her telling me I'd never make it in life, that I'm weak and useless, then she started tripping me and laughing when I fell, I remember laughing as well because I got to see her happy again"


"Then when I was eleven she pushed me down the stairs and I tore my forehead. She watched the blood run down my face but she only told me to clean up my blood off the floor and walked away. It was exactly three days before she started slapping me, slaps turned into punches, punches into kicks, kicks into whips, cigarette burns, being woken up with hot water poured on my back, having knives thrown at me but even through all of that what hurt the most was having her look me in the eyes and tell me just how much she hates me as she ran a knife all over my body"

"When I did see my dad and spent the whole day with him I couldn't bring myself to tell him what his ex-wife has turned to because he looked happy and at peace. Although when I got home and stupidity told her I was with him all day I woke up four days later in the hospital, I was 17 when one of her boyfriends tried to touch Nevada and I was locked up for a week because I nearly killed him" he said then sighed deeply

"I had my father's height at that point but I was still relatively weak. So when I finished high school I went straight to the military and didn't want to leave cause even though I didn't talk much I was surrounded by people I knew had my back. Whenever I did come over to visit I was belittled by my mother and her new husband, shocker. Her third husband is where Bruce and Angelica came from but I wasn't allowed near them" he said then scoffed

"They were innocent but who was I to tell a mother what to do with her kids? Anyway, after three years Nevada called me and said she finally moved out and missed me, I guess knowing that she was out that house was the only reason I needed to leave the military. I bought a building from one of my men when I announced that I was leaving and the rest is history" he finished off. I didn't know I was crying till pa wiped my cheek and brought me into a hug. I saw ma and Donatello crying in each other's arms as well, Israel was trying not to cry and Dom's older brothers looked pissed as fuck

"I hate your mom" Dom said making Nathaniel chuckled

"Don't hate her, it takes way too much effort to hate someone love" Nathaniel said making Dom sit up and straddling him

"What? But she hurt you"

"Yes she did, but I'm a happy man with two women who are way out of my league" he said with a smile making Dom stare at the pillow in between them

"Now my problem doesn't seem as big" she said with a snort

"It doesn't matter how big or small you think it is, if it bothers you it is important" he said making her sigh

"Ihaveapenis" she mumbled out then placed her head into the neck of a laughing Nathaniel

"I didn't understand a word you said love"

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