Chapter 16:New members

Start from the beginning

"Kirishima:Yeah, me too!"

"Toru:People were staring at me, too, it was kind of embarrassing!"

"Ojiro:Isn't that normal for you Hagakure?"

To say I had praise on my way here would be half right, I did get praised mostly by kids, but I also got death stares as well.

"Sero:I had some elementary schoolers suddenly tell me "Don't worry about it"."

"Tsuyu:Don't worry about it!"

That's my Froppy.

Finally Aizawa arrived, no longer looking like a mummy.


"Everyone:Good morning!"

As Aizawa walked to the front of the class, I looked back at the purple grape's empty chair, questioning if he'd been expelled or not.

"Aizawa:Alright, I have two pieces of important info to go over with you, first off I'm sure some of you have noticed that Mineta is missing today, that's because he's been moved to General Studies due to his performance in the sports festival."

Well that's a twist that nobody saw coming, but that means we're getting someone from General Studies to replace him.

"Aizawa:So...let me introduce you to your new classmate, you can come in now."

The classroom door opened again, as Akari Yoshida walked in with her hair tied up in a ponytail, moving to stand beside Aizawa.

"Akari:Nice to meet you all again, if you don't remember me I'm Akari Yoshida."

"Aizawa:You can take the empty seat, I still have stuff to say."

Akari sat down in Mineta's old seat, much to everyone's surprise, I couldn't help but smile at this development.

"Aizawa:Now, onto the second thing I need to tell all of you, we're having a special Hero informatics class today."

Everyone except me, Izuku, Momo, and Shoto started silently panicking, considering if it was a quiz they'd be screwed, until Aizawa revealed what exactly we'd be doing today.

"Aizawa:Code names, you'll be coming up with Hero names."

At those words basically everyone jumped up with excitement, at least until Aizawa gave them a hard stair making them sit back down, only he was missing his trademark red eyes and floating hair, considering I had his quirk now, and he didn't.

"Aizawa:This is related to the Pro Hero draft picks I mentioned the other day, the drafts begin in earnest in the second and third years, after students have gained experience and can become immediate assets to the Pros, in other words, for them to extend offers to first-years like you shows that they are truly interested in your future potential. These offers are often cancelled if that interest dies down by graduation."

"Toru:So we have to prove ourselves to get picked, huh?"

"Aizawa:That's right, and here are the totals for those with offers."

Aizawa pressed a button on a remote causing the classroom projector to display the number of offers everyone got, Shoto got the most, then Katsuki, they both had offers numbering in thr thousands....I only had two offers in total, one being from AFO, the other being from the flaming bastard himself, Endeavor.

"Aizawa:In other years, it's been more spread out, but all eyes were on these two this two this year."

"Denki:There's such a big difference!"

"Jiro:Todoroki first, and Bakugo second...wait hold on (Y/N) only has two?!"

"Kirishima:Didn't you win the tournament though (Y/N)?"

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