Chapter 2: Her Friend

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Several months later, Chris was fuming. He and Serenity had become good friends, best friends almost, but still nothing had been done about his crush.

"I have to kiss who?!" Serenity's loud cry brought Chris to attention.

So that may have been another reason Chris was upset.

While they weren't filming on 'Captain America' together, Serenity still had plenty of other movies to act in. Chris liked to tag along, occasionally making a cameo for fun. However, because of the large production of male-hero action movies, she often played the love interest.

"It's just a kiss, Carmen. Plus, who knows what it might turn to?" Another voice said, a sad attempt at flirting. Chris groaned in annoyance and walked over to Serenity.

"What's up, Ren?" Chris grinned. Serenity looked up at him and frowned.

"Who gave you permission to have a growth spurt?" Serenity demanded. The other guy, who Chris recognized as Braidein Carloso from reading the script, looked rather annoyed at being interrupted.

"Ren, I've had this growth spurt for three months now. You can't be angry at me every time you see this amazing height. Just gotta grow some muscles and I'll be a real-life superhero," Chris flexed his barely existent biceps, earning a sarcastic eyeroll from Serenity. She was about to give a long lecture full of sarcasm and obvious hints on why Alijade was a better character than Steve but Braidein interrupted.

"Who're you? Her boyfriend?" Braidein crossed his arms. Chris glared, already disliking this person.

"Chris Evans. Her... friend."

"What kinda name is that?" Braidein snarked, that being the only response he could think of.

"What kind of name is Braidein with two extra i's?" Serenity shot back. Braiden paused, unable to think of a good remark. "Yeah, that's right. So shut," Serenity scoffed, tossing her hair back. Chris blushed slightly, which he did often around her.

"You know what- I don't care. Now, about that kiss, darling," Braidein turned back to Serenity, who recoiled back in disgust. A bit of jealousy clawed at Chris, telling him to shove Braidein away from Serenity.

"Screw you, Carloso. You take another third of a step towards me, and you'll get a black eye," Serenity snarled. Braidein was shocked for a second, but he raised his hands in surrender and took several footsteps backwards. "I'll be telling the director of your advances onto me, you realize that? Nowhere in the script does it say that I have to kiss that disgusting fish mouth of yours," Serenity snapped. Chris smirked at the sight of Braidein gaping, mouthing something but no words coming out.

"C'mon Carmen. It's starting to stink," Chris said, wrapping his arm around Serenity's waist and leading her to the nearby Starbucks. 

AN: Haha, screw you Braidein. Sorry if that is your name though. Anyways, I've always LOVED the "overprotective friend with crush on you getting jealous" chapter in these stories. Thanks for reading! (Also get ready to cringe at the stupidity in the next chapter) 


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