Prologue: Late Night Show with Allen Teddson

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"So, you and Evans are making the headlines of every news channel, media broadcast and livestream TV with your new engagement. How's it feel?" Allen flashed an award-winning smile, the camera pointing in my face awaiting a romantic, heartfelt answer. See, the thing about being friends with an interview show host is that the moment your name appears in the news, you can expect yourself to be sitting in a meeting with them live in the next two hours.

"Honestly, I can't wait till it's all over," I sighed. "Please, let another celebrity without the last name Evans or Carmen have ground-breaking news soon. Preferably Lizzie. I need more gossip from her." I grinned at Allen, brushing my outgrown bangs out of my hair.

"Please, darling. Your love story with him is one for the ages," Allen declared overdramatically. I casually rolled my eyes and the audience laughed. It'll always surprise me how these types of shows can have a crowd that laughs exactly like a laugh-track.

"Oh, do remind me how it began," I clapped my hands together. "I think the fans remember it better than I do myself."

"You sure about that, love?" Another voice laughed from behind me. My head swiveled around, nearly giving me whiplash. Gasps and cheers overtook the crowd as they too noticed the lean man with out-of-place hair grinning hugely.

"Evans!" A huge smile overtook my face as I leaped up to hug my boyfriend. He eagerly returned the hug, wrapping his large arms around me. "What are you doing here Evans?" I pulled away, pushing back my now messed up jet-black hair. Chris slinked his arm back around my waist, pulling me closer still. A number of sighs and 'Get a room!' came from the sea of people behind us.

"Can't a man see his best girl?" Chris gave a flirty, extremely obvious wink towards me, which caused heartfelt (and may I say, overexaggerated) sighs to erupt from the audience. I groaned and shoved him towards what I called the "Interview Couch".

"Allen! Did you do this?" I accused, settling next to Chris.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. But since you're both here-" he turned towards the audience and said, "Coincidentally, obviously."

The audience laughed again.

"Since you're both here, how about we watch your relationship timeline? Put together by our workers and a few of your friends," Allen pushed a button on his desk, opening the stage curtains and revealing none other than Elizabeth, Sebastian, and Robert.

"Lizzie! Bastian! Shortie!" I cried in shock. "How could you! You said those videos were for memorable purposes!"

"How come Eliza and Sebastian get normal nicknames but not me?" Robert shot back.

"Because you're short?"

"Oh, shut up."

"Not to break up this little friend-fest, but I think you'll want to see the video," Allen whipped out a remote, then pressed play as the other three sat next to you and Chris. Chris smiled as he leaned over and whispered:

"Remember this, Serenity?" 

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