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hey Lᵒᵛᵉ, did you know?

the equatorial regions on earth
experience little season variation.
they have about the same daylight
& darkness through the entire year.

they experience two alternating
seasons. one of them being
the Rainy Season.


Back when she was a preschooler, the most vivid memory Fuyuko had of her mom was of her crying. She was just four—almost five back then, when she was told her father was not a good man, and that they were better off without the jerk.

Preschool Fuyuko never got what her mom meant back then, but as she became older, she began to understand their situation little by little.

Turned out, Fuyuko was a mistake. Her biological father was someone who completely led her mom on, showing her fake love and using her body as he wanted. Yet the moment he got the news of her pregnancy, his real colors showed. The man forced her to get the child aborted, without giving her mom a single real reason why she couldn't give birth.

Her mother, Nanami was completely opposed to his decision though, and within one of their arguments, a huge bomb was dropped. That Nanami's supposed boyfriend, had been already married and had a family of his own.

Nanami's world shattered, yet despite everything, she refused to turn to abortion. "This child should not be punished for my mistakes." She had stated, before she decided to become a single mother.

Despite the father of her child leaving them permanently, despite getting thrown out of her household for choosing to raise an illegitimate child, and despite having to work all by herself trying to afford for the two of them, Nanami never gave up.

Her path was not a smooth one, and she faced many difficulties along the way. Through all, by the time Fuyuko had turned three, she had a proper paying job and a place they could live in.


Atsushi was barely two when his mother found out about the affairs her husband had. It was a simple drunken mistake, but he spilled everything within a single night. His mother became aware of Nanami through his rambles.

Not that she could do anything about it though. His husband never did listen to her anyways, and while the news completely broke her heart, she had no choice but to keep on living with him as he was the main income of the family.

That didn't mean she couldn't make contact with Nanami though. Yes, Atsushi's mother, had ended up visiting Nanami after her heart break.

The purpose of her visit was to apologize, but she couldn't help but burst out crying the moment her eyes landed on the three-year-old girl. She was also a mother of four, and Atsushi was only two. She felt for Nanami and the hardships she had to face.

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