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It was a beautiful day within April. Sophisticated cherry blossoms all they could see, Hyogo Prefecture was no exception.

It was the season for new beginnings and meetings. The season for accepting brand new First years and inviting strangers into specific clubs. Of course, not before the opening ceremonies, welcoming the younger generation to their specific schools. Some of the new generations looking forward to meeting their idols or whatnot.

Speaking of idols and famous people, within the Hyogo prefecture, there is a Highschool named Inarizaki High. In the Volleyball world, this school is well known all over Japan. The Miya twins belonging to this specific team was one of the reasons most females wanted in the school.

Miya Atsumu and Miya Osamu, Identical twins starting their Second year had just finished with the Opening ceremony. And though the elder twin liked the attention he got, neither him nor his brother liked the thought of being swarmed by First year girls the first day of school.

That's the reason why both of them sneaked into the building instead of helping their team recruit people into their club. Of course, with the permission of their current captain that is. The captain which they're scared of because of his old but straight forward logic.

Either ways, bickering among themselves, they headed to their classes, Osamu in class 2-1 while Atsumu was placed in 2-2. Nevertheless, Atsumu followed his brother into his class only to be met with a confusing sight.


"Why would someone enter the club cuz of yer serve Tsumu?" Osamu commented blandly, stopping before the class labeled as 2-1.

Atsumu smirked cockily, stopping right beside him as he puffed his chest. "Cuz of my serves! Ain' that obvious Samu?"

Osamu looked at his elder twin brother, giving him a level stare. "'re ya stupid?"

"Heh? Says the one in class 1." Atsumu shot right back.

"Who needs studies when I have food?" With a roll of his eyes, Osamu slid open his classroom's door, entering right in to escape his other half. However, much to his despair, the fake blond followed right in. "'n why 're ya enterin' my class?" He asked, walking in front of the bored where the seating arrangement was displayed on a sheet of paper.

He didn't receive an answer from his brother though, which was strange considering the loud mouth of his. With a raised brow, he turned his head to his brother standing next to him, only to see the blond eyeing a corner of the room. "Samu, looks like ya got a delinquent girl in yer class." He commented, a smirk lighting up his face.

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