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Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.


Yosen High experienced a bitter loss at Winter High Quarter-finals, ending with Murasakibara Atsushi's newly experienced Zone and his words to quit Basketball altogether.

At the very back of the stadium stood Aomine and Momo, them having experienced loss to Seirin high before Yosen did. Momo glanced over to her blue haired childhood friend. "Do you think Mu-kun's going to quit?"

Aomine snorted in response. "No way, that idiot always talks about how boring basketball is, but he managed to enter zone. That's saying something."

"Well, he'd always been dishonest with things he liked actually. Junk food being an exception of course." A lavender head from the very back row voiced, butting into the conversation without a single glance back to the pair.

"Like the time back when he talks about how bad your cakes are?" A red head commented from the lavender heads right.

The blond who sat on the red heads other side let out a hum. "Gotta admit, basketball ain' bad. But Volleyball 's still better!" He huffed out.

Making the grey head at the very left of their row—next to the lavender head scoff. "Says the person sayin' how trashy basketball was an hour ago."



The twins continued on back and forth like they always do, gaining lots of unnecessary attention. Both good and bad, the bad including some fans of theirs unfortunately.

Aomine raised a single brow, turning to Momo afterwards. "You know them?"

"No." Momo whispered back. "But the boys look familiar... I think."

Aomine glanced back to the group of colorful heads—them reminding him of his own team back in middle school. "I think I've seen that red head from somewhere..." He trailed off, shameless staring at her chest like it was no one's business—even when it wasn't too visible from where he stood.

"Alright." Fuyuko stood up, watching the Yosen team gathering their things from the bench. "I'll go talk to Sushi-chin." She voiced, moving to get out of the row they sat. When she finally managed to get out and on top of the stairs, she turned to the other girl. "Alie-chin, keep an eye on Atsu-chin and Osa-chin for me.'

"Wait, Chin?!" Momo exclaimed, extremely familiar with the honorific.

Alice on the other hand, instantly saluted. "Aye aye sir~"

Fuyuko proceeded to smile at her before turning to Aomine and Momo. The former getting a good look at her chest before turning away almost immediately—losing interest.

Barely a C...

As if telepathically hearing his thoughts, Osamu's head snapped around to glare right into Aomine's eyes—almost getting a whiplash with how fast he was.

𝕀𝕃𝕃𝕌𝕊𝕋ℝ𝕀𝕆𝕌𝕊 𝕄𝕌𝕊𝕀ℂ𝕀𝔸ℕΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα