(CH2) Opening Up

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???: Can I have that sushi roll?

Y/n: ...? What...?

Some visible veins could be seen on his forehead

???: I said, can I have that sush-

Y/n: Yeah, I know, I heard what you said.

???: So... Can I have i-

Y/n: No. Go away.

Y/n shooed the unknown inmate again

???: Aw, c'mon man, wouldn't you feel guilty about making a man starve?

Y/n: I could care less. Leave me alone.

And again, Y/n shooed him once more.

???: Hm... Can I have a piece of your tonkatsu then?

Y/n took some deep breaths to calm down

Y/n: No. That will always be my answer. Now please, leave me be.

???: Hmm... But didn't you take alot? Surely you could spare so-

Y/n slammed his table, getting the attention of almost everyone

Whispering and murmuring could be heard, like, was a fight about to start? All they needed to do was wait and see.

???: Woah woah, geez man, chill out~ I didn't mean it that way! Sorry, I'll go now.

The unknown inmate left

Y/n crossed his arms and sighed in relief

The whispering stopped and everyone was disappointed.

They all went back to what they were doing.

Y/n: Ah. Finally. Peace and quiet. That guy was getting on my nerves.

Y/n put the sushi in his mouth

But almost vomited right then and there

Y/n: Blegh! It's spoiled!

Y/n: I'm sorry! Dad!

Y/n did a small apology prayer to his Dad


Y/n: Hmm... Finished dinner. That was alright. Not too bad, only 2 things I really liked though. The rest were awful.

Y/n: Well, that's done. I guess it's time I go back to my cell.

Y/n left and put the tray back as soon as he was finished, and walked back to his cell


???: Hey!

Y/n: ?

Y/n turned around

Y/n sighed

Y/n: Not this guy again...

???: Sooo, I was wondering, what'd you do that for? It's not like I was being rude.

Y/n: That was supposed to be my sweet time remembering my family, you idiot.

???: Hmm... Why're you staying so silent? It's not like you're mute, you clearly talked with me earlier!

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