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Ayato POV


As i watched students leave school i saw a black kitty at the distance. It was walking near me and when it was near it started meowing enough so that i could hear.

I picked it up and put it on my lap. It started purring and snuggling at me, it seemed to really like me. I didn't really mind and no one was looking, plus i liked cats. I started petting it and i just closed my eyes.

for an unknow period of time a heard someone shout,

"HEY YOU BAKA!" I look at where the noise came from and saw Osano, Osana, Taeko, and Ribaru. they were running towards me. Fast.

"HEY!" Osana shouted loudly "WHERE WERE YOU, WE AGREED TO BE AT THE GATE!"

"Yeah, where were you Ayato?" Taeko asked much kindly than Osano and Osana.

"I was at the bench near the gate, Osano found me but i passed out. Also you never told me to meet at the gate" I said calmly

"Ayato are you not feeling well? The nurse said you passed out earlier." Ribaru said, she doesn't talk much but i think she trusts me.

"Oh yeah, heres some cookies a girl gave it to me earlier" As Teako said that she was quickly nagged by Osano

"NO, Cookies are unhealthy for the sick" Osano said steanly

"Who said i was sick-" I said trying to interrupt Osanos nagging session,

"But cookies are good for the heart!" Osana said, interrupting Osano and me.

"Did you just interrupt Ayato." Osano said with a angry voice

"NO, YOU DID, Also stop changing the subject!" Osana said with a much angrier voice.

As they kept arguing Ribaru convinced them to walk home and stop arguing, while it did work they started auguring again while we walked home together.


"Oh.. where already there?" Osano sulkily asked

"RIBARU! look i told you Osano likes Ayat-" 

"SHUT UP" Osano said angrily while covering his hand on Osanas mouth.

 "HEY RIBARU! get Osano off me!" Osana said in protest

"I will go now, bye guys." 


"k" I said not really listening to Osano anymore

I walked up the stairs to my door and opened it, then i put my bag in the corner and took off my uniform while walking up the stairs to go grab some pj, take a short shower, then sleep.



I threw myself to bed feeling really sleepy,


I got my phone from my desk and checked if there was  a message


"Heyyy baby"

... Hey i should just-

"I have a task for you tom, could you plant some bugs on the student council office? I dont know if they found my bug but its not responding soo yeah"

"The prize is dirt on students or some people who'll help you if you need them, they take orders from me so no need to worry about snitches"


"I can wait but deadlines the next week since the student councils are ganna be busy"

Haaaa... Im tired

"Ill consider it"

"Thank youuu! Muhwa"

I put my phone down huddle in my blanket to sleep, it didn't take long for me to take a deap sleep though.






Im not sure why theres like almost no comments but THANK YOU

This is a little short since its late and im sleepy and i have class sooo yeah

Good night or morning or evening everyone!

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