Rafael (Coral Island)

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Morning farm duties were finally done for Honey; as they stood up and stretched, a few cracks popped out, and relief rushed out of them. “Oh!” They just remembered that yesterday they had collected a couple of geodes from the mines and couldn’t get them processed. It was only 8:30 AM, so the blacksmiths wouldn’t be open for another 30 minutes. Though the walk over there should take long enough. They went to one of their trusty chests and rummaged through it, trying to find the much-needed geodes. “I hope I can get something interesting today… Scott will really appreciate some new gems.”

Honey found their goods and stuffed them into their backpack, closing the chest afterward and slinging the gear on. A small puff of breath escaped them from the new weight on their back, adjusting slightly before patting their pockets for their gold. “Good, everything is there… Ah, I forgot their gifts!” Quickly they ran inside and opened their fridge, grabbing two small bottles of fruit juice and putting them in their backpack as well. “Perfect,” They mumbled as they proceeded to close the door to the refrigerator and hurry back outside towards the town.

As they walked, they looked around at the fresh summer foliage growing everywhere, taking in both the bright colors and immense heat from the sun’s rays beating down the small town. They would mumble to themselves while walking, murmuring about what to do later, what they are doing, or how they will interact with the two Sanchez brothers. Sometimes when passing another citizen of Starlet, they would smile and wave to them. Talking with Erica for a while before scurrying off as usual when heading to the Blacksmiths’ store.

Upon getting closer, Honey was suddenly rushed by a ball of fur, almost knocking them back on their butt. A laugh drawled out of them as they instantly recognized this cuddly creature as Bonbon. “Hey bud, scared me there for a second,” their smile spread wide across their face as Bonbon barked and gave them a long lick right up the side of their face. “Alright, alright. Down, buddy.” Bonbon quickly hopped down and wagged her tail ferociously out of excitement. Honey chuckled a little, picked a small snack out of their pocket, and held it up. “Ready?” Bonbon sat down and watched the hand with the snack intensely. Honey then stood a moment in tense anticipation and quickly tossed the treat back toward Emma’s food truck.

The dog rushed towards it and caught the treat, gobbling it up quickly. Honey watched, and their smile still plastered to their face. Then, after a moment, they shook their head and looked towards the left, where the Blacksmith was. Perfect, they thought, the shop had their ‘OPEN’ sign flipped over. They quickly made their way inside and inhaled the scent of a hearth burning brightly and a lot of sweat. The brothers did make sure to clean up around here, but no matter how much they did, it couldn’t hide the scent of their working BO. Slowly they made their way up to the counter, poking their head a little bit forward to see which of the two was manning the desk.

Pablo’s figure stood straight up once he took notice of Honey, and a smile graced his features, “Well, if it isn’t the cute farmer! How’s it going today?” He leaned a bit on the counter, placing his chin on his hand. Honey smiled sheepishly and blushed a little, “I’m doing pretty good.. Just had some geodes I wanted to get processed.” They took off their bag and rummaged around for a couple of earth geodes, placing them down gently on the counter. Pablo picked one up and looked at it, “looks really good; you’ve been down in those mines recently, haven’t you?” He placed it back down and started walking around toward the processing anvil.

Honey nodded and watched as he walked, “I’ve really needed to upgrade some things on the farm, so I guess it’s just a part of the process.” Pablo nodded as he picked up the geodes from the other side of the counter and brought them over. “Well, good on you for doing it. It keeps Raf and me busy around here.” Once again, they nodded to what he said and looked towards the stairs behind the counter. “Speaking of Raf… Where is he?” A loud clang was heard, and one geode was opened. Pablo placed it on the table next to him and prepared the next one. He wiped the sweat off his brow and shrugged, “he was here earlier but not too sure. Might have gone to clean up the graveyard or something.”

Just Some Self Indulgent FicsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora