🍄Vivian🍄 and the Brothers

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As the title says this includes the brothers, but it'll only be a few Viv's opinions on them all! I might make a second part to this later that has her views on the secondary characters. 🤔 And the image is a fun thing I drew of her for a server event way back. :>
Lucifer (Luci or uses his usual Lucifer)
• She sees Lucifer as more of a father figure (and not in a daddy way you nasties). He is someone she feels comfortable consoling from time to time especially when it's about something much larger than life.
• Vice Versa with him to her. Through his sharing is much less frequent than Vivian shares. She does go into his office when he's been in there much too long to check upon him. Usually, bring tea and a snack before sitting in the room keeping him company.
• She sympathizes with him on being the older siblings, though he is hundreds of years deeper in the trenches of that experience. None the less Vivian will share her experiences with Mikey (her younger brother) and attempt to share some other perspectives Lucifer could take up to approach some disagreements. Even if it will have to hurt his pride.
• In terms of compatibility for dating or being in a relationship, there is almost no chance they could be together. Though Lucifer does hold a deep soft spot for her because of her connection to the brothers and her in general. The feelings he holds for her are not that of romantic but more platonic or familial feelings. As for Vivian, it is about the same on the reasons why it wouldn't pair off well.

Mammon (Mams, dummy (lighthearted), Mammon the great (to cheer him up), Mammy)
• She enjoys being around Mammon! He keeps life a little bit more interesting and honestly troublesome at times. Especially with all of his get-rich-quick schemes mainly ending up with her going along for the ride but warning him often. 
• The two of them have movie nights along with Levi and Beel where they all sit in someone's room and just watch movies eating snacks. Mammon is almost always attached to her side, falling asleep on her shoulder. 
• Whenever Vivian is busy with her garden work and Mammon sticks around, he won't let her carry anything heavy. Every time she attempts to carry a large bag of soil, or even lift large potted plants. She can easily carry it on her own but Mammon just won't let her. She is appreciative of his help, she just worries about him while he carries it (worried he will drop things). Definitely has offered to gift him so many plants, and when he accepts them they all die. Thankfully after she learns of this, Viv starts to use it as an excuse to go see him in his room to care for the plants. 
• In terms of dating, she could definitely see herself being with him if it were to happen. Though it would be a bit of an awkward situation, seeing as she isn't too forward, and Mammon is a tsundere. Plus he would have to be more honest about his feelings or she will take them the wrong way as she did upon her first arrival. He will be happy to know that he will be her first significant other. Though once in the thick of the relationship Vivian would not hesitate to place small kisses on Mammon every time she sees him, making him blush a little from embarrassment is something she finds cute. 

Leviathan (Levi, Levi-chan, Levs, Otaku boy (lighthearted))
• Their relationship revolves around Vivian never really understanding a thing that Levi is talking about or interested in but going along with it because he seems very happy with it. There have been plenty of times that the two would hang out and binge-watch a series, or play some games together. Levi has also been able to convince Viv to cosplay with him on some occasions.
• Goes with Levi to some of his cons and is a bit overwhelmed and sticks close to him as much as possible. Unless he asks for her to go off and get him some things, a divide and conquer type of ordeal. 
• Thinks that his "bed" is very uncomfortable and will consistently ask him if he is sure he wouldn't like to stay and sleep with her. Of course, he almost 100% of the time gets flustered by it and will refuse, but when he does agree the two usually have an anime binging night. 
• If there were to be a discussion on dating of them it could possibly happen. Much like the awkwardness on Mammon's part, there would be a little bit of it here too. Vivian would be a very forgiving and slow-paced person when it comes to Levi, seeing as the man has a tendency to be flustered so easily from affections. Would be such a loving a supportive girlfriend for him. He would always doubt the validity of her feelings for him and their relationship status, but without hesitation, Vivian will go on about all the things she loves about him and what he means to her. Gets him so worked up and flustered that he is speechless. 

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