Chapter 7

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A/N: sorry i took so long, i wrote this in a few hours so sorry if it's a bit janky! all and any feed back or comments is appreciated! Enjoy reading~!

Mark sighed as he lazed around in a plush leather office chair, the voice of his employees droned on, the branch managers needed to host some sort of conference much to his dismay. Mark discarded his phone on the table as he sunk deeper into the chair, an annoyed scowl finding it's way on his beak. He hated 'Busy' days, which for him are usually just him getting bored with 'necessary meetings' and the like. He turned his head to look out of the big glass pane out onto the rooftops of Duckberg, it was a rather lovely day, sunny with a soft breeze that rustled the trees outside gently causing a few loose leaves to swirl and flutter by. Man, would he like to be home right now?

He slumped forward, cheek resting on his fist, unaware that some of his employees were gawking at him for being off the phone for longer than 5 minutes. He couldn't help it, at the moment his mind was elsewhere, another world so to speak. He close his eyes and saw (Y/n), oh sweet (Y/n), a smile crawled onto his face and his annoyed scowl softened into contempt as he thought of the past days, The first day they actually went and hung out, The time (y/n) found his old drawings from eons ago, all of that and more circled in his mind. His smile only grew wider as he then began to think about the future, never in a million years would you think Mark Beaks would be this genuinely soft for someone other than his tech but the thought of picnics and build-a-bird dates had his grey feathers fluffed and his parrot tail slightly twitching happily.

"Mr. Beaks what should we do?" a voice called to him, he didn't respond, he wanted to live in this little dream world for a little longer- "Mr. Beaks?" the voice got louder and he was now being physically poked. He snapped back into reality with a jump and his plumage rising like the hackles on a dog "what, whats going on?", Some of the others had to stifle a chuckle, the others were probably thinking something along the lines of 'how is this guy not fired' easy answer was he had no board of directors! The female McCaw in front of him cleared her throat into her fist, "I was just asking you what our next product plan is, Our sales are doing just as good as last year." He raised a brow "But...?" he inquired at the McCaw's pause.

She shied away slightly "Most of us here think that it's been a bit too long without some sort of new product, or model of an existing one." he sighed and dropped the hand that was holding his head to tap on the table in thought, He had been busy with everything in the past few weeks that he forgot that they had missed the time stamp that they would usually release a new smartphone or laptop. "Sir?" the McCaw asked once again in a soft tone, "Drawing tablets" was all that flew from his mouth before he stood up and began to collect his things. "Pardon?" asked the colorful parrot, utter confusion in her voice at the random suggestion. "You heard me, get the research team to pull a line together." He combed through his plumage with a random comb he produced from his back pocket, 'that way I can get 'y/n' a new one, a personalized one too, and not have to deal with the hassle of the other companies and their reliability.' he thought before beginning to leave the conference room.

The room was a little bit shocked but hey it was something, something new, which would attract new customers, and hopefully more sales. "W- wait! Mr. Beaks we still have to discuss details.", Mark paused at the door frame of the room, his hand tightly gripping the push bar. "We will have another meeting this Friday." she blinked "sir it is Friday-", "PEACE," he said with his chest while throwing up the peace sign and skedaddling out of the stuffy room and to the elevators leaving his peers in confusion yet again. He was alone in the elevator, his back pressed against the cool aluminum of the back wall. His eyes didn't leave the counter until it was his stop in which he walked out and clocked out.

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