Chapter 4

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A/N: this part was NOT edited before publishing as I wanted to churn it out before i got too busy to work on it, however I will go back and change any errors later if pointed out here in the comments OR when my editor and friend Mirabel gets to look at it. Without further ado enjoy chapter 4.

 Rain, it was sure to come, the gray clouds made the house dark despite the amount of lamps and lights that were on and the distant roll of thunder was evident in the air. (y/n) had woken up to an ungodly headache due to the random change in weather and with a groan swallowed a few ibuprofen pills to hopefully numb the pain in their skull. Mark was in his home office and had kicked (y/n) out of his room so he could focus even if the two were two separate rooms. For once the house was relatively quiet but that probably wouldn't last knowing how hyperactive the gray parrot upstairs usually was. (y/n) returned to their room with a yawn before freshening up from last night, all their spoils were sprawled out on their bed as well as the rest of yesterdays neglected boxes.

 Laying on their bed for a moment after their usual routine they forced themselves to get up and start finalizing their move in, Meanwhile Mark was reading and re-reading an email his mother, Miss. Glamour, had sent him. Why today? I mean it was going to storm so why today? Mark sighed happy that he had gotten what he wanted which was control but he had hoped that would stall this whole marriage. But alas even with this agreement they were being pushed to choose this and choose that, hell (y/n) and mark still barely knew anything about each other! His train of thought was snapped out as his phone began to buzz "finally a distraction." he groaned, he answered without looking at the contact name. "Hello, this is Mark Beaks, the one and only!" his face fell as he heard his mom's voice on the other line, "oh hi mum, yes i got your E-mail." and once again the stress was on.

 Meanwhile back downstairs (y/n) had finally finished unpacking! The empty boxes were folded haphazardly outside their door as they put the finishing touches in their new space, posters from various shows and media spreading the walls and their old yet trusty desk in the corner with their set up all adorned and booted up on top of its wooden surface. It dawned on them that they still had the project, hope sparkled in their chest as they knew they still had time due to a gracious extension their professor had lent upon the class, (y/n) looked from the door back to their desk before sitting down and mumbling a prayer that they were not interrupted and began to get back to work on their project they still had time, they could still finish and they could still graduate, that's all (y/n) wanted to do was graduate and then maybe they could make a name for themselves in the profession they chose, not because they were married to someone famous or their parents were famous but because they put in hard work and landed on top.

 It sadly wasnt long till this train of creativity and time was broken as mark knocked on their door causing (y/n) to jump and a pit open in their stomach, (y/n) scooted back and out of their chair before going to open the door. There stood Mark with his trusty phone in hand however a rather loud and agitated voice growling through the other side causing (y/n)'s blank expression to change into one of worry and confusion. "Look ma im speaking with (y/n) now if you could just stop yelling for a minute i could speak," Miss. Glamour let out a few more choice words before falling silent to let Mark deliver the message that was bestowed upon him to deliver. "First of all good morning," mark held up a finger to keep (y/n) from replying "Secondly my mother has invited us to look at a possible wedding venue, it's just outside of Duckburg city limits, it's some fancy outdoor winery and that's all the details i know." he quickly muted the phone but still leaned in to whisper his next venomous string of words "but between you and me she's not really making this a choice, it's more of a demand."

"That's a lot to lay on me at this time, i mean i just got back into doing my project which is due in five days which is really a crunch considering the amount of progress i've made." (y/n) said nervously rubbing their arms as the pit in their stomach enlarged. "Can I try and reason with her?" asked (y/n) hoping that a false confidence and sweet talking would both get them out of this predicament. "Be my guest but she doesn't barge easily." warned mark as he handed the phone to (y/n) unmuting it. "Hey Miss Glamour!" started (y/n) sweetly, all was going good. Miss Glamour seemed happy to hear their voice which is usually a good sign.

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