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A/n: sorry this has taken awhile to publish, i had written half of it before loosing my fixation on DT but its back!! i hope you all enjoy chapter 6!!

Sounds of a busy café bustled all around (y/n) as the early afternoon brunch rush began, Today (y/n) had decided to take up their fathers offer on going out so they could catch up, 'It's been so long' The young bird thought solemnly 'At least four months at least..'. As (y/n) wrapped up their thoughts the little brass bell tied to the cafe's door rang out signaling a newcomer had arrived just in time to get a fresh meal.
"Is this seat taken"? Asked an old and tired yet familiar voice from above (y/n), The younger bird looked up and smiled "No it isn't" they responded watching as the one and only Mr. Fontaine, aka dad, sat down in the cold chair in front of them. The older man sighed as he situated himself into his chair slowly stripping himself of a thick jacket. "Can't believe it's already winter," (y/n) could only respond with a hum. "Yep, it truly is baffling isn't it?" they grumbled monotonously as they looked down at their warm cup of (y/f/h/d) a sense of awkwardness beginning to flush over the both of them.

A moment of silence passed as the both of them avoided eye contact, "So.." Fontaine began to break the silence spell, "How's school kiddo?". That wasn't the best question he could've asked gauging just by how stinky (y/n)'s side eye was to the older bird, "Well i didn't pass that's for sure," the venom lacing (y/n)'s voice was thick as their face cringed and distorted into anger. Fontaine sighed looking apologetically at his kid, He knew nothing could fix that currently especially since they were still on a limited allowance from Mrs.Glamour until the wedding happened. "What about you, how's business going?" asked (y/n) voice still laced with a hint of malice but it was not as heavy as their last words, however they're eyes remained fixated on the drink cupped in their hands. 'Touché' fontaine internally cringed and took a deep breath trying to find the proper words "Well not to good, we have gotten gigs and our reputation is getting better but your mother.." he paused pressing his beak into a thin line as his eyes darted around the room "Well for lack of a better words she's not spending it too wisely." he exhaled heavily at the end of his rocky explanation.

A soft snort left through (y/n)'s nostrils "She never did, just like when she bought a boutique and then it tanked because she couldn't produce a single line of clothing." Fontaine awkwardly laughed "Yeah your mother has always had a bad habit of picking things up and then breaking down at minor inconveniences.." Soon silence fell upon them again and it stayed that way for awhile even when they had gotten their meal it was just quiet. (y/n) used to be so excited to go out with their dad but the feeling of betrayal always panged through their chest every time they met his eyes. Everything from practically selling them off to mark, and them making things so difficult for (y/n) to finish the one dream they had.

They wanted to forgive their father since he wasn't the worst of the three adults; however he has not stuck up for them at all since that day had come and passed like leaves flying in the wind. "(y/n).." the call of their name snapped them out of their trance. They hadn't noticed it till then but their eyes were watery and tears had begun to crept past their (e/c) eye's and into their sweet cocoa. (y/n) furiously wiped their eyes with their sleeve before sniffling "Im fine just lost in thought is all." lied (y/n) through their teeth. Just then fontaine scooted in close and reached across tenderly placing his hand on their head, " Saying i'm sorry will never be enough to earn your forgiveness especially considering i also betrayed you that night, there is not buts or however's, i am truly regretful of my actions and i'm sorry i didn't think about how you would feel the night i called the deal in to Mrs. Glamour'' he spoke calmly and gently as he rubbed (y/n)'s head brushing back stray feathers and hair as he soothed the internal rage that seeped through the core of (y/n)'s soul.

He paused the comforting stroking and placed his hand on (y/n)'s shoulder giving it a gentle squeeze "Are you happy?" was all he asked, "What??" (y/n) blinked confusion replacing the fading flame of anger that was slowly being extinguished, "Are you happy." Fontaine asked more sternly this time his brown eyes seeped into (y/n)'s to peer into them and read them. (y/n) took a deep breath, their heart hammering in their chest as they pondered all the events in their life up to this point. They sorted it into a mental comparison chart of 'bad' and 'not so bad', in the bad chart was them failing their final class to get their degree as well as the recent betrayal, and on the not so bad side there was no rent, plenty of take out from their favorite places and then there was companionship.

(Y/n) never really thought about it till now but even when they were both more distant towards each other, Mark was the one to initiate most of the 'dates' and outings. (Y/n) stayed silent for a few more moments before letting out a soft sigh, a lazy smile appearing on their beak, "well i cant complain, so i guess despite everything im at least content.". Fontaine smiled slightly, since in his mind that was better than a no. Fontaine took a deep breath before pulling out a large box "I brought you a little something." he admitted as (y/n) looked on with wide eyes pondering what it could be. "It was my fathers, he was similar to you in many ways, both witty, charming, creative." (y/n) felt an embarrassed blush form on their cheeks as they scratched the back of their head sheepishly, (y/n) was gentle with the heavyish box as it was probably a vintage item, and their guess was correct! (y/n) let out a soft yet wondrous gasp at the sight of a vintage animation disk which was still in fairly good condition, "no way.." (y/n) trailed off as a smile plastered itself on their beak.

Fontaine smiled softly as he engraved the look of his little bit into his brain, "I really have no use for it anymore, but rather than throwing it away I know he would've wanted you to have it.". (y/n) looked up with a smile, brows furrowed upwards in a thankful expression as they stood up and hugged their father tightly. Fontaine was taken back slightly but was quick to hug back as his frill stood up to further express his happiness, "Thank you daddy." whispered (y/n) before breaking the hug, fontaine was the happiest he had been all week. He felt like this was the first step to repairing his relationship with his child.

It was late afternoon when (y/n) had returned to their house, Mark was chilling on the couch lazily scrolling through one of his many social media accounts to keep him entertained. Mark perked up though at the sound of the door clicking shut and the sigh their fiancé let out signaling their arrival home. (y/n) walked into the living room with the box they had gotten earlier, setting it down on a little bench dresser combo near the door, "Hey (y/n)!!" called mark loudly as he got up off his tail feathers to greet them. "How was your day out with your old man?" he asked cautiously. (y/n) pondered over the day's events before smiling "it went well!" they responded cheerily which caused Mark to smile "awesome! Hey, I ordered us some salata for dinner." Mark cooed happily as he walked back to the living room "yum!" responded (y/n) with a lick of their lips as they followed behind Mark. 

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