Rain looked around at his friends. Break up with P'Payu? How could he even consider that? P'Payu was everything to him. He loved him, took care of him, taught him to be responsible, protected him when other people laughed at him.... Break up? How could he ever do that?

He didn't want to be without P'Payu. There had to be another solution. Something he hadn't thought of or tried.

"Maybe I could...", started Rain.

"No. Stop trying to make excuses for him. Think of yourself first. If he's not going to take care of you then you need to take care of yourself. We will be here for you and take care of you. Please. At least think about it. Please?" Sky interrupted.

Everything hurt. Hearing this hurt. But Rain knew that Sky loved him and he also knew that he was saying the things that Rain couldn't bring himself to say. Things that he had thought but couldn't bear the weight of.

"I'll think about it." Sky raised his eyebrow at him while rubbing his hand up and down Rain's arm. "I promise."


After receiving a phone call from Payu saying he'd be home after work and asking Rain to meet him at his house, Rain hurried to pack a bag. He texted Sky -

P'Payu called! I'm going over to spend the night with him

what are you going to do

I'm not sure I guess I'll see if he says anything first

ok well I'm just hanging out with P'Pai tonight so text me if you need anything

love you Sky

love you too

When Rain arrived, Saifah told him Payu was in his bedroom. Rain ran up the stairs but hesitated at the door. What if P'Payu had only asked him over to break up with him? What if he was going to tell him it was over? What if he said nothing? Should Rain break up with him? What if he says he loves someone else now? What if he's bored with him? How can he go in there? Maybe he'll just leave. Yup. Just turn around and leave.

Rain stood still with his hand on the doorknob. His brain felt like Payu's bike - too loud and too fast. He knew he had to move so he slowly opened the door to see Payu sitting against the headboard of his bed, laptop across his lap. He looked up and smiled when Rain walked in.

"Hey monkey. I've been waiting. Come here" Payu said, pushing his laptop off and raising his arms to Rain. Rain ran forward, crawling into Payu's lap, and burying his face into Payu's neck.

Running one hand down Rain's back and holding his head gently in place with the other, Payu said "Why don't you go take a shower. After, I'll make us some dinner and then we can talk."

He pulled Rain away from his neck until Rain was looking at him. "I think my sweet boy deserves some apologies for the past few months."

Rain couldn't stop the tears from falling as he slowly nodded in response.

Payu pulled him closer, placing a kiss on Rain's forehead. "I love you so much Rain. So much. And I'm so sorry that you've come to doubt that." He then kissed Rain's nose, saying "Go take your shower and we'll talk over dinner."

Rain moved from Payu's lap, grabbing a towel from a basket on the floor, and made his way quickly to the shower. The quicker he was done, the quicker he could hear what his Payu had to say. Rain started the shower and while waiting for it to warm up, realized that he forgot to get clothes to change into afterwards. He moved to leave the bathroom when he heard Payu's phone ring. Rain stopped where he was, listening through the crack in the door.

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