Chapter Three: New Foes Make Way

Start from the beginning

Sally: Like what you're seeing?

She turns to the human with a wink which caused Y/n to blush. He clears his throat and looks around awkwardly.

Y/n: S-Sorry. I'm just not used to this is all.

Sally: I know that. I'm just teasing you.

Y/n scoffs as he rolled his eyes. Sally giggled at his reaction as they have finally made it to his new home he will be living in until Eggman and Scourge were defeated.

Sally: Welcome home. Just letting you know, you are rooming with someone.

Y/n: Cool. It's all I ever wished for. A roommate.

Sally: Just to warm you. He can be quite rude.

Y/n: Awesome. A guy I can relate too.

Sally rolls her eyes as she opens the door.

Sally: Hey Jason! You got a roommate!

Y/n scanned the area for anyone else. He spots a human who seemed to be asleep but then opens his eyes as his name was called.

 He spots a human who seemed to be asleep but then opens his eyes as his name was called

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Jason Scott. Human cyborg and right hand man of the Freedom Fighters

(I don't own this. Credits go to the maker of this. Normal I would use my own art but sadly I can't draw for shit.)

Jason: Who are you?

Y/n: Nice. There's another human I can bond with.

Jason eyed Y/n with annoyance.

Sally: Jason. Sorry to disturb your slumber.

Jason: No your not. Now what do you want Sally?

Y/n: Wow, so I can tell you're an edge lord.

Jason glared at Y/n who stared back at him.

Jason: You're gonna be annoying...

Y/n: What's up with the robot getup? Trying out cosplay or something? Not bad for your first try.

Jason's glare hardened as soon as Y/n asked him the question so the cyborg shoots electricity through his body and charges towards the human who widens his eyes as Jason slams his shoulder into Y/n causing him to fly out of the house and onto the street road.

Y/n: Ow...Okay, I may or may not have deserved that one. But I think I should get you back for that one asshole!

Jason said nothing as he walks towards Y/n with a death glare.

Y/n chuckles as he grabs the gem and accesses the power into his body as his body glows green electricity. Jason walks out of the room and looks at Y/n charging his powers.

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