Eddie POV 2

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I make my ways down the halls to English. I'm truly in no rush, but at least I'm showing up. I knock on the door and put on the most plastic charming smile I can muster on a Monday morning. She chuckles and lets me in. She truly is a doll sometimes. I stroll to my desk when I notice a petite brunette in the seat to my right. That seat is always empty so obviously she's new. She's got her headphones blasting and she's drawing in some book not even attempting to pretend to listen to Mrs. Johnson. She's got good music taste based on the Metallica shirt she has on. I take a seat and watch her draw. She's got thin fingers with rings on almost every one. Her chipped black polish looks good with the dainty silver rings. I notice the sleeve tattoo she has on her left arm. It starts at the top of her hand with a beautifully drawn rose and ends all the way up under her sleeve and maybe even further for all I know. On the arm it's covered in vines with thrones and roses all along the green vines. Lots of detail and color unlike mine. The teacher beings passing out an assignment over the book we are reading. I know nothing about it except that two kids fell in love or something like that and then died. I start to attempt my work when I remember I didn't bring anything with me today. Not even a pencil. But instead of fussing over it with Mrs. Johnson, I turn back over to my right.

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