Zayn's POV

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Last night was uneventful. I didn't do anything but eat and go to bed at, like, seven. Yesterday kind of hit me like a truck, what with the new kid being one of the hottest guys I've ever seen. I drew a little bit, but let my hand do what it wanted before I realised I was drawing Liam and threw my pencil across the room. Before going to school, I decided that I should finish it and now I have a beautiful portrait of Liam on my nightstand. His facial structure is amazing, but he has beautifully chubby cheeks. And his lips are so kissable. Stop. I can't think like that. I don't even think he's gay. It's not as common as you would think. Maybe you think it's one hundred percent uncommon, then you would be wrong. I mean, take a look at Louis and Harry. They are the most openly gay people I've ever met, and people don't make fun of them or anything. People might make fun of Liam if he was gay. He's too much of a good person, he wouldn't defend himself.

God, I've talked to this boy once and I already feel like I know him.

I walk into Miss Swift's class, taking my seat. Yesterday, she had asked Liam to sit next to me. There's still a few minutes until class starts, so I pull out my sketch book, drawing a few butterflies, bees, and honeycomb. I draw them extremely detailed, like I always do.

"I see you're an artist," says a sexy voice. Man, that was a stupid thing to think.

"Uh, yeah," I say, peeking through my eyelashes at the beautiful boy that stands in front of me.

A blush comes to his cheeks as he bites his lips, holding back a smile. "You're pretty good. I think I could do better." His confidence makes me scoff.

"I'd like to see you try," I challenge, handing him my sketchbook and pencil. As he grabs my belongings, his fingers brush mine, causing goosebumps to rise on my arms.

After five minutes of pure concentration from Liam, he hands the book back to me. "Ha!" I laugh before quickly covering my mouth.

"Heyyy, it's not that bad," he whines.

"Mate, I'm sorry to say this, but it looks like Mr. Potato head from Toy Story," I laugh.

He takes another look, "Dear God, it does." He laughs with me.

"Hello, boys. What are you up to?" Miss Swift asks.

"Nothing but failed art," Liam giggles.

"What're you up to, Swiftie?" I laugh.

"Stop calling me that or I'll call your mom." She points her finger in my face.

Over the class period, we pass little notes, asking about each other.

Zayn: What are some things I should know about you?

Liam: I'm sixteen, I was born in Wolverhampton, my family is super religious, and my "father" left when I was fourteen because I'm gay.

My heart skips a beat. Zayn: I'm gay too, if it makes you feel any better.

Liam: Do you wanna get lunch together this weekend or something? You don't have to, just asking.

Zayn: I would love to. How about T'titasbic? It's this food truck that sells authentic Puerto Rican food. Best food ever.

Liam: Sounds good. How about Saturday at 10:30 my treat?

Zayn: See ya Saturday!

I can't breathe. I was supposed to ask him out, not the other way around. I guess that's out of the way now. Wow, I can't wait for Saturday! I know it makes me sound like a little kid, but I just want the Ice-Cream from the food truck. Their Ice-Cream is delicious.

As the bell rings, Liam winks at me causing my breath to be knocked from my lungs. I stand in the classroom, not able to breathe. My vision goes dark.

I open my eyes, squinting at the bright room. My mum stands over me, a look of intense worry on her face. "Zaynie?" She gasps when she sees my eyes open.

"Ugh," I groan. "Where am I?" I try to sit up but another woman puts a hand on my shoulder, holding me down.

"Zayn, you're gonna have to lay down, we need to take your blood pressure and make sure you didn't get a concussion. You hit your head pretty hard when you fell," the nurse informs me.

"That cute new boy carried you in." My mum winks as I roll my eyes. "Ms. Miller, can you leave us for a moment?"

"Of course, ma'am."

My mum smiles softly at her until she leaves the room. "Zaynie, you don't have to lie to me anymore."

"Lie? About what?" I feign confusion when I know exactly what she's talking about.

"Zaynie..." She tilts her head at me, a smile on her lips. "I know that you're LGBTQ, love." My breath hitches. She kisses my forehead. "Hon, I need you to know that I love you no matter what. I want you to feel like you can talk to me. I won't tell your father, but I think that, when you're ready, you should tell him yourself."

Tears form in my eyes. "Mum, I can't. What would he say? Do you remember what he said to Saffaa when he found out about her boyfriend?"

She sighs. "I mean, you're gonna have to tell him someday. You can't hold it in forever. Just... do it before you move out. Until then..." she smirks, "let's talk boys!"

She sits on the edge of my bed and we talk about Liam. I told her that we have a date this weekend. When we're done gossiping, the nurse finishes her work, and we go home.

I stay home the next day. I'm still kind of feeling light-headed, so I just stay in bed, drinking as much water as possible. My mom still has to go to school though, so I spend the day alone. My dad's on a business trip, so I don't have to worry about him coming home and talking to me. If I talk to him, I might let my secret slip, and that would be a disaster for both me and my mom, depending on his reaction.

At about three thirty, my phone rings. "Hello?" I answer?

"Hi, Zayn! Thank God, I thought I got the number wrong. It's Liam, by the way," a voice rambles on.

"Yeah, I can tell," I laugh.

"Sorry," he tells me, sheepishly. "I just wanted to check on you because you weren't here today. I was a little worried when you fainted."

"Oh, don't worry about me, mate. I have an iron deficiency, it happens." I'm not lying about the iron deficiency. I also am mildly anorexic, a fact that nobody but me knows.

"Well, I hope you're feeling better now."

"Yeah, way better. I just needed to drink some water."

"Are we still on for tomorrow?" He asks.

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it if I was vomiting profusely," I say, to which I get an answering laugh.

"Well then, I'll see you tomorrow. Bye, Zaynie." My breath hitches at the nickname. He hangs up the phone and I scream into my pillow. Zaynie, I like it. Even if that's what my mum calls me, it's perfect coming from his voice. His thick accent. His medium voice. His perfect teeth and plump lips. His feathery hair.

I'm falling hard for this boy.

EEEEEEEE! I'm actually really excited for this story. I think it could be pretty good if I keep working on it. I hope y'all are enjoying it! Stay green my little freaks!

Also spread the love about Faith in The Future! It's so gooooood! What is your favorite song on the album?


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