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"be careful"

piggy exclaims to tony as he's climbing a tree. most of us were helping to build the first few shelters in the camp.

"there's probably a lot of berries and things that look ok but are really poisonous" he warns to tony, who is not giving a care in the world. "my brother did outward bound, learned how to survive, he taught me" he replies. i come towards them and look up at tony "did he do outward bound in the tropics?" i say. "not exactly" "then where?" piggy says forcefully. "colorado"

"there are totally different poison plants in colorado than in this place, so we've gotta take precautions or it won't matter" piggy seems very concerned and i agree with him, but i would hope that the fruit we were picking was ok to eat. jack then turns and tunes into our conversation "what won't matter?" he says. piggy looks at him and says "wether we get rescued" "better learn to live with yourself because we ain't gonna get rescued"

"what are you talking about?"
"just being logical, a plane goes down in the ocean, there's no wreckage, who's gonna find us" jack stops what he's doing to properly face piggy. "why don't you just shut up" piggy shouts towards him. uh oh, this isn't gonna go down well with jack. "are you telling me to shut up" jack raises his eyebrows "what we need around here is positive people, not people trying to scare people" "what we don't need around here is you shitbrain"

"his names not shitbrain, it's piggy" one of the others says
"yeah, piggy, yeah"
"oink oink"

ralph comes over to us "shut up. everybody just shut up" ralph guides piggy away from the others and i follow after them, i feel someone's eyes on me but i don't have time to look back because i want to make sure piggys ok. "it's just because you're new" ralph tries to comfort piggy "no, it's not. it's always this way" he says back, almost in tears. "piggy don't listen to them, they don't know what they're talking about ok? i think you're being really reasonable so please don't feel bad about it" i comfort piggy as best as i can, ralph throws a meaningful smile towards me and i return it. "thanks riley" piggy sends a sad smile my way and i give him a quick hug "no problem".

ralph decided it would be a good idea to search for an ideal spot to place the fire. we saw a part of one of the hills that would be absolutely perfect. about half of the boys helped carry up the firewood to the top of the hill, chanting as we march.

"mama mama can't you see"

"mama mama can't you see"

"what the armys done to me"

"what the army's done to me"

"the put me in a barbers chair"

"they put me in a barbers chair"

"spun me round i had no hair"

"spun me round i had no hair"

"i used to drive a cadillac"

"i used to drive a cadillac"

"now i'm marching in a pack"

"now i'm marching in a pack"

"i used to drive a chevrolet"

"i use to drive a chevrolet"

"now i'm marching for my pay"

"now i'm marching for my pay"

forever and always, merridew ~ lord of the flies (1990)Where stories live. Discover now