Back to Normal, may be?

Start from the beginning

'He is in his room since ur argument, haven't eaten anything', Yuzi said and brought 2 dinner plates.

Virat took those dinner plates and knocked Ab's room.

The door opened and Virat saw his red rimmed eyes indicating that he cried. He walked past him and went inside the room.

'you are not allowed alcohol due to surgery then why the bottle is here, were you planning to get drunk or what?', virat asked.

'I just-- I guess ya. What are you doing here?', Ab asked.

Virat first threw the alcohol bottle in the sink.

'What-- what are you doing? it is expensive, you could keep it for occasional purposes', Ab said seeing him emptying the bottle.

'Alcohol is not allowed for me or Rohit', he informed and got back to the table, 'come, eat I have brought dinner for both of us', he added.

Ab sat beside him, he was confused how Virat was suddenly here.

Virat saw that he was not eating. So he turned to face him.

'Ab.. I can't forgive you immediately but I can surely try. It's not easy for me! I hope you understand', he said softly.

Ab replied immediately, 'please take as much as time you want biscuit just don't stop talking to me.. I cannot take ur silence'

Virat smiled softly in response and they resumed eating their dinner conversing about how things were with both of them.
Rohit also met his MI teammates. It was horribly awkward at first but then he started to get comfortable mostly around the juniors.

Hardik- Bro now the MI camp feels complete with you! It was so empty back then..

Jassi- first time in my life I have to agree what harry has to say.. it just feels amazing to have you back here Rohit bhai! How are you feeling about it bhai? Are you okay?

Rohit smiled at their happiness.

Ro- it feels good! Not gonna lie but Initially I was so nervous! Now it is sinking in..

Polly- how are you Rohit?

Rohit turned and saw his friend after so long. They came face to face at the World Cup 2023 but Rohit had ignored him at that time. He was not ready to meet anyone apart from ICT.

Ro- I am good, how have you been?
He asked him, he tried to keep his tone normal but it came out very formal to Polly.

Polly- I am also good! It's good to have u back.
He said with genuine emotion which was understood by Rohit too.

They surely didn't had that vocal bromance to the outer world as Virat and Ab but they were very good friends from a decade. And they respected each other a lot.

Ro- it's good to be back! Hoping things will fall back in place too!

Polly- it will, you just have to try. Everyone is there for you!
He said giving so many hidden feelings in that words.

Ro- I know, I will try my best!

Polly- I know you will. See you around!
He said and hugged Rohit indicating it as an apology for not being there. Rohit hugged him back and gave a polite smile.

Polly knew he will need time and he was gonna give him as much as he wants. So he just nodded at that and left from there without forcing him to try.

Jassi- bhai u okay?
He asked as he saw the whole exchange of emotions.

Ro- I guess so! Don't worry, you are there Na with me! I will be fine.
He said keeping his arm around Jassi to which he leaned into.

Jassi- always there bhai!
He said with that innocent smile which Rohit saw when Jassi joined the mi squad.

Rohit was gonna say something when Aman's call interrupted. Jassi showed him that.

Ro- go attend the call of your bestie while I call mine!

Jassi- hey Aman!

Aman- what hey? U forgot me as soon as u went from here and joined MI camp. Didn't even call once! Why?

Jassi smiled at his complain.

Aman- stop smiling now!
He said annoyed.

Jassi looked around thinking how did he guess that.
As it was not a video call.

Jassi- sorry it's just we have been settling in and was making sure Rohit bhai feels okay u know?

Aman- ya I understand! I am bored without you all.

Jassi- I know, how was the meeting by the way? Did u get the deal?

Aman- ya we did. Now the fitness centre is in 5 states! Isn't that amazing? I am gonna call Virat bhai and Rohit bhai to give the news!

Jassi- it's really amazing! I am sure they will be very happy.

They kept talking about the day and everything else.
Here in CSK camp, Jaddu noticed how Mahi bhai was seeming a bit different. He was not his confident self but looked a little nervous which was very rare in case of Mahi.

He wondered what must have happened!

Jaddu- bhai, aap thik ho Na?

Mahi- yes Jad! I am fine, Mujhe kya hoga.
He said with a smile.

But Jaddu had that eagle eyes, he noticed Mahi bhai fidgeting a lot with his hands. It never happened before.

He decided to keep an eye on his activities and find out what was the problem.


Hi! Here is the next update! I know I am late on this one... I was stuck with the plot a bit.

Thanks Messy_bird for helping me!

Drop ur comments and do tell me how u like it. Would love to see in-line reactions and suggestions as well!

Happy reading!

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