Old Tangled Relations

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At the airport,

Rohit had come to drop Mahi and Virat as they leave for Chennai and Bangalore respectively. They were sitting waiting for the boarding process.

Ro- Vi, no carelessness related to meals and specifically injuries like you did in past understand!he said sternly.

Virat and Mahi chuckled at that.

Ro- why are you laughing?
He whined.

Vi- Ro u are too cute yaar! I will keep in mind! I think it's time for my flight.. so.. umm.. bye!
He said hesitantly the last bit.

Mahi engulfed him in a hug seeing him a little bit scared. Rohit joined it too! Virat felt so good at that time.

Ro- don't worry! U will be fine!
He said softly.

Rohit arrived back home to pack to leave for the team hotel. When he came home he suddenly realised the absence of Virat. It's been almost two years that they were always together.

Now he could understand why Virat was so hesitant to go back to ipl and their respective teams. But they had to do it!

Everyone reached their hotels. Virat was looking the view, after so long he was in Bangalore.
His thoughts were broken by door knock. And he froze seeing the person in-front of him.

Vi- Ab?

He whispered in shock to say the least and also was surprised. Shocked because he didn't expect him to knock his door after like a year so causally. And surprised because Ab had retired from ipl so he didn't know what he was doing in Bangalore.

Ab- biscuit! How are you?

He asked in a low voice. He knew Virat was angry on him and he had every right too. As Ab never called Virat and asked how he was. Never asked him whether he was alive or not!

Vi- first don't call me that.. don't u think u have lost that right on me. And why do u want to know now that how I am? Unfortunately I am alive. And I think that's enough for you to know!

Ab- please don't say like that! I know i am at fault.. but I just I didn't know how to talk to you!

Vi- because u believed it Ab! U believed that news of me involved in that controversy and fixing. Right? That's why u didn't had the courage to call me! Why are you here now? Leave Ab! I don't want to talk to you!

Ab- please biscuit! Virat please listen to me.. I am sorry! I am really sorry! I know it's not enough for what I did! But please try..

Vi- sorry isn't enough! U were not there with me when I needed u the most. So please leave! Leave now!

Ab left with moist eyes. Virat slumped down on the bed burying his face in his hands after that interaction. He could not forgive him like that. Just showing up after a year and asking him how he was! Was the relation only for good times? Why were you not there with me biscotti? Why?

His thoughts were broken by the phone call.

Vi- Ro?

Ro- did u reach safely? Why didn't u msg me once u reached? I told you na!

Virat smiled at that.. suddenly his mood was a better hearing Rohit's voice.. but he equally sad about his conversation with Ab.

Vi- Ro! Umm.. Ab is here!

Rohit was surprised himself.. he didn't know what to say to that..

Ro- ohh! Umm.. ok! How I mean? What is he doing there? Are u okay? How do u feel about him being there? Vi say something..

Vi- I don't know how I am! But I lashed out at him Ro and I don't know for what reason and why I just feel terrible for doing that u know.. I blamed him for not being there with me when I needed him.. and I just couldn't stop.. after that I just told him to leave and he had tears in his eyes.. Ro i never saw him cry u know.. today I saw that and it just.. it just felt so bad.. it was because of me! I feel terrible for yelling at him.. how.. he must hate me now! I don't know.. I.. couldn't just.. I seeing him...

Virat couldn't continue as he broke down in sobs.. Rohit himself felt bad hearing all that.. if it was the old days he would be so happy with Vi and ab not talking to each other but now he genuinely felt upset knowing how Virat had respect for Ab and vice versa.

Ro- calm down Vi! Please don't cry! Please u know I hate when u cry.. don't please it would be very difficult to be here u know away from you if u cry like this! So please don't!

Virat listened to him and tried to stop his tears.

Ro- look I know Vi u yelled at him.. but it is okay! It's okay to do that because he was not there and suddenly seeing him brought all that back.. so don't stress urself.. If u didn't do that.. then u would have again buried ur feelings and behave formally with him which is also not right and not fair to ur relation.. faking it! It's okay! Don't worry so much about that.

Vi- do u think I.. I.. should forgive him?

Ro- do what ur heart says Vi! Remember I, Mahi bhai will always be there for you no matter what!

Vi- thanks Ro! I really needed to talk to you!

Ro- stop the formality! Chal I have to go now! Ttyl!

He said and hanged up the call. Virat got freshen up and then he thought to check on Mahi..

Here in Chennai.. Mahi reached the hotel and received Virat's call but he didn't answer that.. if he did Virat would come to know.. and he could not afford that!

Virat frowned as Mahi was not picking his call which was really strange as Mahi had been always picking the call since they reconciled..

He dropped a message before going to meet the team.
'Bhai call me as soon as u can! Do tell me if u reached safely! And why are you not picking my call! And call today only otherwise I will not talk to you!'

Mahi saw that msg and sighed! He didn't know how to talk to him.


Here is the next part! What do u think Mahi is hiding from Virat and Rohit?

Drop ur comments on how u like it! Also suggestions if any! Are u finding the story interesting?

Happy reading!

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