While they were talking about the project Hayden walked up to their table and asked to speak to Briaunna in private. She agreed and got up and went to another table to see what Hayden wanted to talk to her about. Hayden began asking questions about toto. She asks him why he wanted to know things about her dog. He was saying that his little sister's birthday was coming up and when he takes his sister to the park and sees her past by his little sister always says I wish I had a dog like that. Briaunna says I'm not selling my dog to you if that's what you want. Hayden says Oh no that is not why I am asking, I'm sorry if you got that impression. Briaunna says Then why are you asking questions about how it is taking care of a dog like that before he and his parents get her one. Briaunna starts to tell him what it's like. After she told him they went their separate ways. Briaunna was walking back to the table when they three gremlin sisters walked up to her.

Germ S says Poor thing she has such a huge crush on Hayden but will never have him. Germ J says I know she's probably thinking those two are going to get married. Gem B says Oh please everyone knows if Hayden gets with another girl she would kill her cause that's how crazy obsessed she is with him. Casterjon steps in and says At least she isn't alone and bitter like the three of you. The Gremlin sisters gasp then walk away.The Gremlin sisters are the most popular/ richest kids in the high school. They maybe sisters but they kind of didn't look like it. It looks like two of them were adopted when they weren't Gremlin S is girl was short in height with shoulder length hair that was dyed grey like an old lady with brown eyes, Gremlin B was Average height with a few pimples on her face dark brown hair that was short and brown eyes, Gremlin J was average height with long black hair brown eyes and had a very bitchy attitude. They weren't the only siblings in the school though.

There was a set of twins. Michael and Brittani. They were Fraternal twins. Brittani was Average height with black hair to her waist, She had brown eyes. Michael was Average height with short black brown hair with hazel eyes He always wore stripped shirts. Brittani and Michael seen the Gremlin sisters upset and wanted to have some fun with it. Michael says to them Why the annoyed faces? Did a nail break? Grem S says No a nail didn't break freak. Michael says Oh let me guess did the most popular guy turn you down? Gremlin B says At least We can get a date unlike you. Michael says I would rather focus on school and volleyball then worry about someone cheating on me like you imaginary boyfriends are. Brittani says Oh good one brother.

Gremlin S says Shut up Brittani we all know you only came out gay because every guy finds you disgusting. Brittani says Well at least the girls I'm around like me for me and not because they are scared of me. Brittani and Michael walk away. They go sit at a table so they can talk about saving money to buy themselves a tarot deck they both have been wanting for some time now. The Sisters were still annoyed about what Casterjon, and the twins said to them they were sitting at a table talking about them all in a negative way. A group of boys walked up to their table. Hunter, Scott, and Jimmy. Those three had the biggest crush on the sisters. Always asking them down even though they are ready know the girls answer is going to be no. Scott was tall with short brown hair and hazel eyes, Hunter was Average height with short black hair with brown eyes. Jimmy was short in height with black hair who had a very odd shaped head. They were wondering what was wrong with the sisters. The sisters told them to go away that they weren't in the mood.

The boys kept trying to talk about what's bothering them at first they weren't wanting to answer but then Grem B got an Idea. She had the biggest smile on her face whispered to her sisters before telling the boys anything. Grem B told Scott to come to her. He got up so fast and went to her. She whispered to him to spread a rumor she knew wasn't true but she wanted to spread this around anyways. After telling Scott what she told him to go tell everyone. He says Anything for you. He tells his friends come on we got to go. They went to everyone and told them what Grem B wanted him to say. The next day at school everyone was staring at Briaunna and whispering to themselves. She thought it was uncomfortable but she attempted to not let it bother her until Casterjon walked up and says Oh my god you need to come with me.

Briaunna says Can I put my book in my locker first and also good morning to you two. He grabbed her by the hand and said No. he closed her locker for her then kept pulling her into he pushed her into an empty classroom. Briaunna says Okay C what's so important you couldn't wait. Casterjon says Have you not heard the rumor about you? Briaunna says What rumor? CJ just tell me what is going on. Casterjon says Someone started a rumor that you are super obsessed with Hayden and that if he doesn't ask you out soon that you'll show up to his house and commit suicide on the front lawn. Briaunna says What hell!!! Who started this rumor? Casterjon says I have an idea on who. Briaunna walked out without saying anything, Casterjon yells Where are you going? Briaunna put her books in her lockers then went to go talk to The Gremlin sisters.

The Gremlin sisters were sitting at a lunch table fixing their make up. Briaunna walked up to the table. Grem B says Can we help you freak? Briaunna says I know what you bitches did and I want it to stop. Gremlin S says What ever do you mean? Briaunna says The stupid rumor that you all made up. Gremlin J says Oh Briaunna sweetie we have better things to do then to spread rumors about you. They have the hugest smirk on their faces. Briaunna says I know it was you three and you better kill the rumor or else. Gremlin S says Or what. Briaunna slams her hands on the table and says You don't want to know what I'll do. She turns to walk away but sees that everyone was staring at her, she runs away. She leaves school early. She heads home to go get toto so she can take a walk on the beach.

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