Three Broomsticks

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    Harry had just clocked out of work, ready to apparate to hogsmeade, for his get together (date) with Draco.  Before using the floo powder, he realized he should probably try to hide his identity just a little bit.

    He put on his hat, (it was winter time) so that his hair covered his scar, and taking off his auror robe, left in a signature weasley sweater.  He had all the sweaters he'd received hung in a line in his closet, the growth from the first one to the recent ones visible.

    The one he was currently wearing was made with a cream color yarn, the H on the front in gold.  Harry folded his robe over his arm, grabbed a handful of the green floo powder and-

    "The Three Broomsticks"

    The fire place in TTB lit up bright green, Harry emerging from the flames. In the corner, he saw Draco waiting at a booth.

    Harry smiled to himself as he made his way over to him.

    "Hey Malfoy."

    "Hello, Potter." Harry set his coat down beside him as he sat.

    "Welcome to The Three Broomsticks, what can I get you?" A waiter came over, asking their order.

    "One butterbeer, and a peppermint pastie for me please" Draco said.

    "A butterbeer, and a treacle tart please" Harry said, the waiter writing down their orders.

    "That'll be just a couple minutes." He said, then walked away. Taking the orders of another table before going to the kitchen.

    "So, how's the family been?" Draco asked, trying to make conversation.

    "Pretty good, Ron's helping George at WWW, Bill and fleur have a kid on the way as well."

    "Do they really? How does the mother weasley feel about that?" Harry chuckled as his referring to Molly as 'the mother weasley'.

    "She's really excited, first grandkids and all, she's really warmed up to fleur. What I think she's really anticipating is Mione and Ron's future kid."

    "What about you and the girl weasel? I thought you two were a thing." Draco proded. Harry couldn't telling if he was just curious of his love life or if he was steering the questions away from himself.

    "Oh Ginny? No we've been done for a while now." Draco raised his eyebrows.

    "Both gay I guess"

    "Both of you?!" Draco asked, laughing.

    Harry laughed with him, not remembering the last time he had seen Draco actually laughing, let alone hearing him. Harry was cut off from his thoughts as the waiter came back, somehow carrying both drinks and both sweets at the same time.

    "Butterbeer for both of you, tracle tart and peppermint pastie! Enjoy." Harry and Draco sent 'thank you' smiles at him before he left.

    "What about you? Anyone interested in marrying the Draco Malfoy?" Malfoy smiled, though part of it seemed sad.

    "Afraid not. You must have fan proposals all the time" Harry gave an exasperated sigh.

    "No its actually horrible. There was a girl in a towel with my face on it. Literally just the towel." Draco nearly spat out his butterbeer, laughing into his hand.

    Harry was trying to think of a subject involving Draco that would cause awkward depression. Couldn't bring up family, or friends (most of his were in azkaban).

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