That home seemed cold, lifeless, and abandoned.

His heart raced against his chest as he carefully stepped inside, making sure he didn't just break into someone's house.

"Welcome back"  The deep voice startled him, his head slowly turning towards the person.

"Sire! You're here! Oh, thank goodness! Guess what!" He cheered, sighing in relief.

"What?" Sire replied.

"Jungkook is taking me to visit his parents! We were supposed to go today but his mom got stuck in a flood, it's alright though! She's not hurt" He happily explained.

Sire chuckled, ruffling his hair, "That's good" He gently answered.

Taehyung happily smiled, nodding his head.

Then everything seemed to be back to normal, Sire was here to welcome him, everything is the way they're supposed to, nothing out of the ordinary.

Not the high-pitch scream he heard, nor the blood on Sire's chin, or the deep shade of red his eyes flickered to.

Taehyung merrily went to his room, humming a catchy tune under his breath; oblivious to the dangerous eyes following him. Putting away his things, he is startled when his eyes land on Sire's shoes in his door way, an exaggerated sigh leaving his lips.

"I didn't hear you coming, y'know I don't have super hearing like you, right!" He playfully scolded, looking at the other.

Sire slowly approached him, his eyes growing colder with each step, sending shivers down Taehyung's spine.

"Wh–what are you doing?" Taehyung asked in fear, quickly standing on his feet.

As the other got closer, a sudden dangerous aura spread in front of Taehyung, weakening his knees. He instinctively backed up, bumping against the wall; quietly cursing himself at the poor choice of escape.

"Um......Sire?" He called, hoping for it to be a joke.

Sire never said a word, nor did his expression wavered once. His steps suffocated the younger, and his eyes brought him pain.

With Taehyung flat against the wall,  Sire halted, extending out his hand. His large hand wrapped around Taehyung's neck, squeezing it like a stress relieving ball. He stared deeply into his eyes, bringing him closer.

"Hey! Sire! Wh-what are you doing! Hey!" Taehyung struggled, wriggling around.

He is shutted with a harsh slap, his cheek stinging as the handprint came to view. 

He stared at the man in shock; clueless on what else to do, he started crying. His wails fill the decorated bedroom, hoping to reach anyone it could for help.

Followed by a loud scream, the wails were immediately killed.

Taehyung's body jolt as he gasped for air, his eyes turning in back of his head as Sire sucked out every last millimeter of his blood. After a few seconds, he removed his fangs, staring at the struggling younger in his hold.

A sick smirk stretched on his face, as he dragged the younger out of his room, down to the basement.

The loud rattling of chains buzzed in Taehyung's ears, his blurry vision barely making out where he is. Giving up on doing so, he closed his eyes only to have them wide again when he's suddenly thrown the ground, his ribs landing on a chain. Without the strength to even scream from the pain, Taehyung silently cries, holding his pulsing rib.

"Take him in" Sire's cold voice ordered.

Without warning, Taehyung is taken by his hair, and thrown somewhere; landing on the cold floor, he let himself get dragged down the depths of darkness.

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