Broken Fangs

570 10 6

Werewolf Jungkook
Vampire Taehyung


Becoming a vampire is the big fantasy for many.

The absolute ecstasy as those sharp fangs sink into your flesh, draining your blood in exchange for immortality.

Seems easy enough, until, it's done against your will.

Trapped with no escape, no one you can count on as those savage fangs sink into your neck, draining your blood, your weeps and pleads ignored, and taken as a joke.

Not many can testify to having such traumatic experience, but, one who can is Taehyung.

Kim Taehyung is born between a human father, and a omega mother. He was raised with the vast knowledge of the existence of werewolves and vampires, he even dreamt of getting bitten by one.

After his parents passed a few months after his highschool graduation, he was taken in by his father's close friend.

The man had a mysterious air around him, and went by the nickname Sire.

Taehyung found that admirable, and inspiring; no one questioned the man's chosen nickname, nor were there complaints about it.

Half a year passed, and Taehyung officially became Sire's son, signing all adoption papers, and was even put in his will.

Taehyung found that funny, "You're immortal, you don't need a will" He would tease the other.

Sire would only chuckle, and ruffle his hair.

Then, Taehyung started college.

With Sire's support and encouragement, he decided to take on a sculpture course, having fun and meeting new people. Just a few days in, him and Sire's close bond became known to the whole school.

"Man! You have a really cool dad!"

"I'm jealous!"

"I've always wanted to meet Sire!"

"Oh my gee! Sire is your dad? For reals!"

"Wow, lucky"

Were all he could hear wherever he passed through. He found it kind of funny, and would joke about it to the other; they would have a nice laugh about it, and go on with their day.

All was going well for Taehyung.

He met his mate, and celebrated his eighteenth with him and his friends with a nice little party, he even received a family heir loom as a gift. He was abliss.

Until, that night.

Since morning, the skies were gloom with a storm looming close by.

Not minding it, Taehyung took his things, adding an umbrella to the list, and left for the day. He noticed Sire wasn't there to send him off, but didn't think too much about it.

As usual, his day was filled with laughter, and teasing bringing a bright smile to his face.

After school, however, the storm finally came by.

Making sure to send his lover home, he was then on his way.

A sudden hard pour of rain drowned the whole city; with each step Taehyung took to head home, the rain poured even more, as if attempting to stop him. He didn't mind it, he was excited to get home, and tell Sire about his day.

So he did.

He made it home, except the home he made it in seemed a bit dark. The home he was used to always had candles lit everywhere, soft classical music welcoming him, and the scent of coffee and old books embracing him at the door.

Taekook OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon