Closer to Home

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Starlight trickled from the sky, hitting Vega's face as she climbed. If only she could get to the top of the mountain, she would be closer to the stars, closer to her home. Oh, how she missed them. How long ago was it that her precious stars were ripped from her? How long ago was the accident? How long ago was she forced to stay earthbound while her crew and ship surfed through the galaxy?

Too long. 

But it wouldn't be like that for much longer. No, if she proved herself capable, she would go back. The stars were her home, and she wouldn't – couldn't – let them slip so easily away from her. But just like the stars, her blistered hands began to slip from the rock. Adrenaline rushed through her body as her resolve and determination refused to let her fall. If she fell, she would die. And if she died, she'd never make it back to the stars. The thoughts burst through her mind, and the pain raging through her body fell away. She scaled the mountain with ease as she did in training all those years ago. But once the top of the mountain glistened within her view, she stopped. 

Tilting her head back, she took in the sight of dark rock against an interstellar backdrop. And for the first time since the accident, since she was bound to earth, since she kissed the stars goodbye, she smiled. Planting a hand, then a foot, on the edge, she hoisted herself up onto the top of the mountain. She made it. She was closer to the stars. Closer to home.

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