Trouble - PJM (Requested)

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Jimin: 17yr.

You: 14yr.



That was the word you heard at least 10 times everyday for the past week, it's basically your new name now. Jimin has never been the nicest of brothers to you but also not the meanest in the world.

In the past month, Jimin has been your biggest bully. He always has been one, but not to this extent, previously it was only out of brotherly love.

You had no idea what was going on and why your brother has become cruel towards you, calling you all kinds of names, hitting you and making fun of you.

You missed the old Jimin, who would hang out with you, you would laugh and have a good time together.

But now you dreaded even at the thought of hanging out with him, that's why you often times had friends over or went over to your friends' house, so he won't bully you.

"Hey bitch~~" Jimin stuck his head and torso into your room. "Whatcha doing~~~?"

"Homework." You responded coldly.

"Doing your homework won't make you smart." You sighed at him, making no eye contact whatsoever.

"Dumbass." He chuckled.

Everything that Jimin has been saying for a while hurt, but you somewhat got used to it, until he found a new insult or nickname.

"Go away, you asshole!"

"Make me!" He said as he grabbed one of your textbooks and started to hit you with it.

You have had enough, you don't want to be treated like this anymore. You have done nothing to Jimin, to make him treat you like this.

This was your breaking point, your emotions took over you. You've been holding them for too long and you can't do that anymore.

"Jimin leave me alone!" You yelled as tears streamed down your face. "Please stop..."

To your surprise, Jimin actually stopped hitting you.

He was just so shocked to see his little sister cry so hard because of him, he just felt guilty for making you cry like that.

The truth was, he was only bulling you because he was angry, he was going through a lot and was taking his anger out on you.

And because he couldn't take it out on anybody else.

Jimin just listened to your cries and watched you bawl your eyes out in guilt, he knew this was all his fault.

"Hey, hey," He said. "Don't cry, I'm sorry Y/N."

He tried giving you a hug but each time, you would just push him away as more tears would stream down your cheeks.

"No Jimin! Leave me alone!" You yelled at him before you forced him out of your room and locked the door.

He still heard your cries behind the door and the more he listened, he too became emotional and too started crying.

He just felt so guilty that he made you cry, he hated seeing or hearing you cry. He knew that he messed up and he is the only one who could fix this.

But he didn't know how.

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