Chapter 12 Jaune and the 4 dumb ass's

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3rd POV 

it's been a few days since the whole explanation with the team she was walking down the hall when she saw Jaune standing outside his dorm.

Ruby" lock yourself out again?" she asked suprising Jaune

Ruby" long time no see" she said as Jaune just turned around to look at her

Ruby" seriously though did you lock yourself out?" she asked again

Jaune " no got it" he said as he showed her his scroll

Ruby" so where have you been?" she asked she was getting very suspicious of his behavior

Jaune" I uh...I" he sighed "I messed up I did something I shouldn't have and now Cardin's me on a leash and Pyrrha won't even talk to me..." he looked down " I'm starting to think coming to this school was a bad idea" he then slid down onto the floor "I'm a failure " he said 

Ruby" no you aren't" Ruby said

Jaune" no?"

Ruby" nope"

Ruby walked a little towards Jaune  " your not allowed to fail your a leader" she said putting her hands on her hips. 

Jaune" but what if I'm a failure at being a leader?"

Ruby pondered this 

Ruby" nope"

Jaune" you know your not the easiest person to talk about this kind of stuff"

Ruby" correct" she said sitting down next to him

Ruby" Jaune, all have tasted the bitterness of defeat and disappointment. A warrior must not dwell on that failure, but must learn from it and continue on" she said with wisdom 

Ruby" and you can't let your failures pull your team down with you, they depend on you they need you to lead, you and you can't do that if you dwell on your mistakes. You must know that you must put them first and yourself  second your team deserves a good leader" she said getting up

Ruby " and although you can't see it you might be that leader" she said opening her dorms door

Ruby" goodnight" she said as she closed the door behind her

Jaune got up and was about to open his dorm when his scroll went off he opened it and it was a message from Cardin

Cardin"Hey! it's your buddy Cardin. I know your probably busy with that dust project I gave you, buuut I'm gonna need you to go out and get me a bag of rapier wasp."


Cardin" and make sure they've got really some really big stingers It's important,so don't screw this up!" he closed his scroll  

Jaune sighed and walked down the hall head hanging down

Timeskip the next day the forever fall forest 3rd POV

Glynda"yes students, the forest of forever fall is indeed beautiful but we are not here to sight see. Professor Peaches asked all of you to collect samples from deep with inside this forest. And I'm here to make sure that none of you die while doing so" she said as she was leading the student's then she turned around causing every student to stop with Jaune bumping into Cardin

Glynda"Each of you is to gather one jar's worth of red sap, However this forest is full of creatures of the grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammates, We will rendezvous back here at four o'clock have fun!"

The teams split up with Cardin grabbing Jaune

Cardin" lets go buddy" he said as Jaune looked at Pyrrha 

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