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Sarah walks away

Rose: Okay you each get to pick one dress for me to try on okay and please no Princess ball grown

Sarah comes back

Sarah: Okay Primrose if you want to come with me to a dressing room

Primrose smiles and follows Sarah to a dressing room where Sarah closes the door

Sarah: Okay so tell me about your Finance what is his name?

Rose: His name is James and we have been together for almost 2 years he is a good man and I honestly cannot wait to marry him

Sarah: So I hope this is not an awkward question but why did you not bring a parent with you?

Rose: No its okay my mother died when I was a baby my father is gone too I was raised by my wonderful and amazing Grandmother she died almost three ago so its just me and my sisters

Sarah: Oh I am sorry

Rose: Its okay I never knew her so its hard to grieve for someone you never knew and my Dad was never around so I only ever had my Grams and she was the only parent I had

Sarah: Wow she sounds like an amazing women. So what kind of dress are you looking for?

Rose: Something simple elegant with short sleeve and some lace

Sarah: Okay and what's the budget for your dress?

Rose: $2000

Sarah: Okay you undress and put on the robe and I will be right back with some dresses

Meanwhile outside in the store

Prue and Piper think that they have found a dress for their sister

Prue: I think this is perfect for Rose, its her style and I think that we should buy her wedding dress

Piper: I agree with you on both counts and the dress is on sale too

Phoebe walks over with a dress in her arms

Phoebe: I found a dress for Rose to try on

Piper: Phoebe were you even listening to Rose she said ball growns Rose is too small a ball grown would be too much

Phoebe: Well maybe she could try it on for me

Prue: I doubt it but let's take these dresses back and she can decide

Prue Piper and Phoebe head to the dressing room with their dresses. Sarah opens the door

Sarah: Hello

Prue: Rose we think we have found the dress for you

Rose: Okay I will try it on

Piper hands her the dress and then Rose sees the dress that Phoebe is holding

Rose: Phoebe there is no way I am trying on that dress its more you then me

Sarah: I will take that dress and put it back for you and if you want to back to the sofa and we will be right out

Sarah takes the dress from Phoebe and then she closes the door and Prue Piper and an unhappy Phoebe go back to the sofa and Sarah helps Rose put the dress on and Sarah helps turn her around and she looks in the mirror

Sarah: Oh wow that dress is amazing on you its like it was made for you

Rose: Its perfect and I love it

Sarah: Do you want to go and show your sisters?

Rose: Yes please I think this is my wedding dress

Sarah opens the door to the dressing room and she leads Rose out to where her sisters are waiting and Prue and Piper gasp when they see their baby sister

Prue: Oh Rose that dress is perfect

Piper: Oh honey you look amazing and its a perfect fit

Sarah: It fits her like a glove

Rose: This is it

Sarah: This dress is a one of a kind and its on sale its only $500 dollars

Prue: Rose me and Piper are going to pay for your dress

Rose: What?

Piper: You are the baby of this family and I know if Grams were here then she would pay for your dress for you and since she is not we are going to do that okay

Rose: Wow thank you guys

Sarah: Well I don't think the dress needs any altering so I think you can take it with you so Rose we will go back to the dressing room and you can put your clothes back on and I will take your sisters to help pack the dress up and pay for it

Rose: Okay

Sarah leads Rose back to the dressing room and helps her take of the dress and then she leaves Rose to redress and then takes the dress packs it up with Prue and Piper's help and Prue and Piper then pay for the dress and then Rose walks back out and over to them

Prue: Hey Honey so your dress is all paid for, so how about we go for some lunch

Rose: Sounds good I am hungry oh Piper maybe you can make an appointment for your wedding dress

Piper: I already have made an appointment

Rose: Great and thank you for your help Sarah

Sarah: You are very welcome and I will see you soon Piper

Together the Halliwell Sisters leave the store and they go enjoy a demon free day as just sisters


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